Catching and Catchers discussion Catchers Mask/Throat protector



During a pregame discussion with an umpire, he told us that they had been having discussions about the throat protector. So naturally, both the umpire and the coaches had some questions when we mentioned the hockey-style catchers mask.

Does this style suffice for a throat protector?

Does a throat protector have to have a NOCSAE seal?


A hockey-style helmet does not need a "dangler" throat protector for ASA or high school. The helmet is designed to cover the throat. If it doesn't, it won't have the NOCSAE stamp.

Same with a traditional mask. If you have the wire frame that extends down to the throat, that is considered a "throat protector".

(EXCEPTION: Little League rules require a dangling throat protector on ALL masks and helmets.)

Dangling throat protectors do not need to be NOCSAE marked or approved.