Mask on? Mask off?



Each year I get at least 2-3 reports from around the country related to catchers being hurt during tag plays at the plate when they removed their mask. Broken noses, losed teeth, poked eyes, etc.

So each spring when we have many new coaches entering the coaching ranks I like to put this reminder out.

On a tag play at the plate LEAVE THE MASK ON!

Why?? ?Simple, no good reason to take it off. The most common reason I am given is that the catcher can see the throw from the infielder better. Well the catcher had no trouble seeing the 50mph pitch from 40 feet away, I sure she can see a throw from 60+ feet away traveling most likely slower then that.

No reason to surrender the protection, Keep the Mask on!

The only time a catcher should take the mask off is on the pop fly. I am even seeing that with the advances in mask design some girls don't even need to take it off then either.


My dd catches, and I hate seeing her take her mask off for any play. I'd rather she just learns to play any situation with it on. :)


For safety reasons, the mask on is good.... But.. It is a fact that you can see better without the mask on. Yes you catch with mask on, but the ball is coming from one place and nothing else is going on at the start of the pitch. During a ball in play it is proper for, and I teach, our catchers to step in front of the plate and take their mask off. They are to run the defense and they need to see the whole field. Now when there is no time and the play is coming directly home, there should be no attempt to take the mask off.

You can't simply say to keep it on all the time though.. Catching is just a rough job and the mask should come on and off many times during the game.

Coach K.


I hear ya. I'm talking in generalities, pop ups, and pass ball etc. I want her to keep it on as much as possible, for quicker reactions. There are obvious times when it makes sense to take it off, I agree. ;D


Hello all,

Its been awhile. Have been very busy here lately with my job and instruction business. Dont get to spend near as much time on the web as I did in the past.

Years ago I would have said take the mask off. With the new designs much like the hockey players have so the girls have a wider field of vision I would say keep the mask on now. For increased reaction, less distraction, and safety.

Besides it makes a good sunscreen. :p



At the recent coaches clinic at Wright State, they said catchers should not take off their mask. The mask should fit them properly and be snug on their head so that it doesn't shift. My daughter has always not liked taking her helmet off as it gets in the way and takes time away from viewing the ball, but coaches have almost always told her to take it off.


I have always taught my girls to keep the mask on, with two objects coming your way very fast on a collision course I would think that you would want all the protection you could get.

If the runner gets there first and takes the legs out from under the catcher she could take one in the face, and nobody wants to see that.


Mask On. All most all the college camps teach mask on. The mask has changed , but sometimes the coaches don't


as a backup catcher, mine keeps her mask on. she said it's too much a pain to get it adjusted "just right" if she keeps flipping it off.


Take a stop watch and see how long it takes them to get the mask off. This is a game of speed, and if you don't have to take the mask off, why do it?


sounds like I am in the minority here.. I will be watching a lot of college games this year and see if my coachings are outdated and need some up to date philosophies?? (?? spelling) We will see.

Coach K.