Tournament Sanitation



Ok, I understand that tournaments are run by volunteers, and they're hard to come by, but what is unacceptable when it comes to sanitation? We're playing at Uncle Stan's in North Ridgeville, and I only know about the port-a-johns on field 5. There are two of them there. One is a hanicap style oversize and the other is a narrow, regular size john. I only went in the hanicap one because I was told it was the better of the two. :-?

Let me set the stage for you. Both of them reeked so bad that if you were down wind, and the field was, the smell could knock you over. :eek: ?Now, in the handicap john, the tank was so full that it almost came up to the seat. Just a giant pile of poo and paper. I was told that the other one had poo all over it. Someone had completely missed!?! :-/

If those two aren't emptied tomorrow morning no-one at field will be able to use either of them. >:( I can only imagine that the others at the fields are in similar condition.

Daddy Dice offered me $50 to stand in one of them for just three minutes. I should've done it. I'm glad we're on field 2 tomorrow.


Porta potties at the National Qualifier in Pickerington were "Pristine" to start the day. Thought of going into one during some of the scattered rain showers to catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzz......... :cool:


we actually had "real" bathrooms at Berliner...haha :cool:

anyway, don't follow Daddy Dice into a john, you might regret that decision... ;)

funny story about porta-johns, my son who is 4, always has to get completely naked to poo, so the last tourney we were in he threw a fit because he ran in and started to disrobe and i had to explain to him not to have his clothes on the floor..."but why?" that's all i get, so now i'm in a john talking to a 4 year old who keeps saying "but why?" while his feet are kicking away, you know, he's having a good time wether he's in a john or running the bases, totally clueless

my wife normally just drives to the nearest fast food place, she hates porta-dirties


BTW, [highlight]the Sanitation issue was the only problem at this tournament[/highlight].

1. The concession stand prices were very reasonable. $1.50 hot dog, 50 cent chips etc.
2. The homemade kettle corn was off the hook.
3. Plenty of warm up areas.
4. Fields were good. Could've used more chalk.
5. The umps we had were good. Can't speak for the rest of the fields.
6. $3 parking fee. No per person fee.

Everything else was great! Just give people a place to pee and poo :)


We were in Fostoria this weekend for the 12U ASA States. ?We played at Fostoria High School yesterday. ?They had 1 porta-potty half way down the parking lot. ?It wasn't in bad shape on the inside, it was just the obstacle course you had to go through to get into the porta-pot. You had to jump over a puddle and land on the concrete curb, or you were in serious mud. ?We were told that the other porta-pot they had was carried away in the tornado they had a couple of weeks ago. ?The TD did open the restrooms in the gym of the high school later on in the day.


RE Uncle Stan's - If I am not mistaken, wasn't Field 5 near the concession stand where there was a full working bathroom? There was also a working bathroom near field 1 - we found out about that one a little later in the weekend. I understand - if you are gonna use port-a-potties, you out to make sure they are going to be maintained - it's disgusting to even have those close to the fields if they are full (the stench is unbearable). The fields at Uncle Stan's are maintained by union workers - we found this out when we were told we could not help with trying to get the fields playable after the rain.

We attended the Memorial Day Madness tournament in Chambersburg - 56 - 14U teams and only one restroom facility (yes, it was a restroom with running water and had 4 stalls in the ladies room; however, if you were not playing on one of the fields directly near the facility, you were going to miss a lot of softball in order to use the restroom). When you are having a tournament at a large facility, TDs should take into consideration the ground people have to travel in order to go to the restroom - we are fortunate that our girls are older now (14s) and realize that if you are at a tournament such as Chambersburg, you had better use the restroom anytime you pass by or you could be holding it for quite a while. I feel bad for the coaches and parents of 10s and some 12s who when they gotta go, they gotta go and cannot wait to cross 8 fields to get to the restroom.


Field 5 is the furthest field from the concession stand. For some reason they had a wacky numbering system. 6 was by the concession stand, then 7, 8 and then the furthest was field 5.


Am I the only one on OFC that doesn't understand half of the posts that MD puts up here. :-? No offense intended. I really don't understand.


On a fastpitch softball board we are discussing "poo" that, my friend is getting more than you ask for . PS no offense taken, Honestly I think I'm somewhat dyslexic , never diagnosed , never hindered my learning (no comments statman or ringer) but when I type and read what i've typed it's a disaster. I type the same word twice alot, put words together to form hybrid words, I've got to really watch it or I would make zero sense instead of 1/2 sense. I'll now "butt out" of the poo thread ;) MD


those that know dan and his "accent" would really be laughing right now.


Reading your post while drinking a cold one was a mistake. Dan you sure can entertain us..


I live my life by a few principles, and one of them is to stay away from port-a-johns unless a dire emergency (and no woods or culverts nearby), especially deep into the weekend on Sunday, even moreso if someone is smoking nearby.


even the restrooms at some parks it is bad,

back when i was a teenager, i had the misfortune of walking into Memorial Park's bathroom on a hot July day (this is Houston, TX remember)...the fumes in that place could ignite! there's nothing like crying as you urinate, seeing figments of your imagination through the methane (or was it butt-tane gas?) all while trying to dodge the local homeless bum who wanted a quarter...very least the porta-grosses in Ohio are upright :p


don't know MD, but, some of his stuff is pretty funny

MD, you and us replying all need help. It will be "funny" (more sad than funny) to see how many hits this poo thread will get.


even the restrooms at some parks it is bad,

back when i was a teenager, i had the misfortune of walking into Memorial Park's bathroom on a hot July day (this is Houston, TX remember)...the fumes in that place could ignite! there's nothing like crying as you urinate, seeing figments of your imagination through the methane (or was it butt-tane gas?) all while trying to dodge the local homeless bum who wanted a quarter...very least the porta-grosses in Ohio are upright :p
hey thats me! delcruz, may he rest in piece (and not downwind of a wgman/daddy dice butt-splosion at Uncle Stans)...whata did my roomie at Spano say this weekend, "did you ruin the bathroom for everyone else?"

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