Westland, Grove City, Franklin Heights and Central Crossing softball programs have come to an end



I heard the SW school district is going to try to put the issue back up for the voters in August, and start fall sports practices with the hopes that the levy will pass and the sports can be saved.
Reynoldsburg schools levy failed too, but instead of cutting the programs there, they are requiring the sports to fund themselves, so it will be $800 per person per sport, but you get a break if you play a third sport...
DD was in Mason last weekend with her school team--the varsity field there is better than many college facilities, and they don't seem to have any money worries (that I'm aware of).
Maybe central Ohio needs a major amusement park or a big conglomerate like Procter and Gamble in the backyard...


My daughter attends Westland and is very upset! She is worried all her friends are going to go to a different school so they can play!ie West Jeff, Jonathan Alder...

While I feel academics are more important,all of the other activities that will be lost are part of the whole experience.

Also did the board take into consideration that there are alot of immigrants in the SWCS district? Most that live here either don't pay taxes, can't vote due to status or don't care due to their kids aren't in other activities.

I also heard pay to play is not an option eventhough it is my understanding that softball is funded by our own boosters and doesn't recieve money from the school for operating costs.

This just all very frustrating!! Why did they wait til the last min to get support why not start last year and let people get used to the idea?


I have to agree that it is bizarre, at the very least, to have the Supreme Court opine so many years ago that that the real property tax basis for funding schools is unconstitutional and here we sit with no significant legislative effort to come up with a school funding mechanism that is constitutional. Having once been a constitutional scholar, I know that this is the "dirty little secret" of the constitutional balance of powers: what if the legislature just chooses to ignore a finding of unconstitutionality by the judicial branch?


My DD is one of those Mason girls with that new stadium - i think we are the only district that pays 1% of our total family income to the city for things just like this = do you?? Maybe you should try that too! And yes the Boosters raise A TON!!!


I know of several districts who are having their funding cut under the governors plan. Guess who their going to come to to make it up.


bluebird, The school board will need to make the committment to fall sports now (school board meeting monday). The OCC can't wait until July/August (or whatever) to wait and see. I know other schools in the OCC who are losing games are already making plans to adjust their schedule I don't think they can wait to hope the levy passes over the summer.


Reynoldsburg schools levy failed too, but instead of cutting the programs there, they are requiring the sports to fund themselves, so it will be $800 per person per sport, but you get a break if you play a third sport...

Since most of this is for coaching salaries, I think the parents should get to pick the coaches!


Our school levy failed also. No high school transportation, younger students only get transportation if over 2 miles from school, fewer teachers and 2 school closures. We also just built 2 hugh brand new schools plus added on to the high school yet there is no money for anything. As of now we are still going to have sports but it is going to cost $431.00 pay to play per sport. With the way the economy is today what parent is going to be able to afford the fees. I do agree that academics is very important but the schools need to also realize how big a role that athletics plays in some of the kids lives.


The Southwestern district I'm afraid is made up of quite a few short sighted voters who cannot recognize their property values are tied to their communities education value.

These are the type of statements that just amaze me. I have a daughter in the district who plays softball, and my wife and I voted FOR the levy. We are upset and very disappointed the levy failed. But to consider others as "short sighted" because they chose no is sad. How many people in this district are planning on selling there houses ever? Or anytime soon? So the whole "property value" thing just isn't a very compelling reason for someone to vote for the levy. Not to mention, in an economic time when jobs, income and family security is in doubt for many people, I just don't see how someone can be considered short sighted for not being willing to pay more. Especially if they don't have anyone "tied" to the district.

I truly think it's these kinds of statements that make voters in our district not WANT to do more or give more. Shaming voters and threatening home owners property values obviously doesn't work.

I would love to see the levy passed and all activities resume at the Southwestern City Schools, but I think as a district we should rethink the tactics we're using.


Since most of this is for coaching salaries, I think the parents should get to pick the coaches!
Generally the coaching salaries are one of the smaller parts being cut, and even when you add in the transportation and facilities costs for the sports you don't come close to the amount of a levy. Sports are there generally for two reasons (mostly the second):

  1. There is a misconception among certain segments of the population that sports do not contribute to the overall health and education of the student population, and therefore should not be funded by those who don't participate.
  2. Politically it provides a means to tug at the heart strings; it hits a nerve when you attack a source of pride for a school or district.


These are the type of statements that just amaze me. I have a daughter in the district who plays softball, and my wife and I voted FOR the levy. We are upset and very disappointed the levy failed. But to consider others as "short sighted" because they chose no is sad. How many people in this district are planning on selling there houses ever? Or anytime soon? So the whole "property value" thing just isn't a very compelling reason for someone to vote for the levy. Not to mention, in an economic time when jobs, income and family security is in doubt for many people, I just don't see how someone can be considered short sighted for not being willing to pay more. Especially if they don't have anyone "tied" to the district.

I truly think it's these kinds of statements that make voters in our district not WANT to do more or give more. Shaming voters and threatening home owners property values obviously doesn't work.

I would love to see the levy passed and all activities resume at the Southwestern City Schools, but I think as a district we should rethink the tactics we're using.



I agree that the tactics used by SWCS needs to change, but I respectfully disagree with you on the property value statement. The home next to me in this district has been on the market for 3 months, a couple expressed an interest in it in late April. On May 6, they informed the realtor they were no longer interested. Mostly due to the uncertainty within the school district.

And I agree this is a tough time to try to pass levies, but the voters in this district turn down levies even during good economic times. I just wish the State of Ohio would get off their tails and deliver a school funding program that does not rely on property taxes.


The home next to me in this district has been on the market for 3 months, a couple expressed an interest in it in late April. On May 6, they informed the realtor they were no longer interested. Mostly due to the uncertainty within the school district.

I'm not saying that there aren't instances where the school district will negatively effect the sale of someone's home. I guess my point is the argument that it is EVERYONES concern. Most people aren't even considering selling their homes, therefore the potential decreased property value doesn't effect many voters at all. That makes the property value argument fall mostly on deaf ears.

It's terrible that is has negatively effected your neighbor, but I'm pretty certain that they are in a huge minority. Although I could be wrong...


You are not the only one paying 1% of your income to your school. The school that my children attend has a 1% school district income tax that we pay directly to the school in addition to our property taxes and city income taxes (which I pay to 2 cities - the one I live in and the one I work in).
I'm familiar with Mason as I have friends whose children attended Mason schools - you are very fortunate to have the community support that you do for your district because even though we pay the property taxes and the school district income tax - my childrens school does not have facilities nearly as nice as most other schools in our area and I'm not just talking about the sports facilities - I'm talking about the school conditions in general including the quality of the education they are receiving.
Other schools should look at the school district income tax option as opposed to raising property taxes - but the state needs to overhaul the whole school funding system and they need to do it soon.


A bigger question is will OHSAA reconfigure the Divisional assignments due to the loss of 4 Division 1 schools? Will they also consider the sudden increase of student population of an ajoining school district due to the transfers (which may or may not happen)? I understand that families move in and out of districts all of the time but with this single event effecting a couple schools districts within the same general area, it will have an impact on divisional assignments.

For 2009 Football, Jonathan Alder is at the upper limit for Div IV (251 enrollment). This could have a major affect on them. Since OHSAA is losing 4 Div 1 schools and they attempt to keep the same amount of teams within a division, then Jonathan Alder will probably have to move up to Div III (if they re-evaluate). This will also affect teams across the state.

Just wondering if they have even cosidered this aspect???


The last South-Western City School softball team went down today. Grove City lost 2-1 to Teays Valley. It's a shame that none of the girls from these 4 schools get to say "until next year." Hopefully something can be done. It would be difficult to restructure the O.C.C. and the conference will miss the competition.


Make up your own mind about the board positions for SWCS Board, but wanted to forward this information onto those who are interested.

There are 3 SWCS board positions up for re-election on November 3, 2009. Below are the 3 candidates:

Rob Starrett
Karen Dover
Sandi Davis (Write-in)




Please note - Sandi Davis is a write-in candidate. She has a great chance of winning. She has extensive experience with labor union negotiations and is a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist.

These candidates have different views on the tax levy, but they all believe we need to trim the wasteful spending and 'fat' of the school district. I am confident that they will challenge the administrators and unions.

The 3 current school board members that are up for re-election are:
- Amy Baker (not seeking re-election)
- Cathy Johnson (life long educator)
- Willliam (Greg) McCarty (on school board since 1978, except for 2002/2003)

No matter how someone feels about the tax levy, what is just as important as that issue is that we replace the current board members.

Please pass these 3 candidates names to your friends and families and encourage them to get out and vote on Nov. 3rd.

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