2010 - 2011 Season 10u coaches !



I am finishing up my second season in 10u. Looking to see who all out there is going to be back in 10u again or moving up to the big league 12u. I have another year left in 10u next year and it would be nice to know who is going to be around again next season in 10u.
I previously posted a 10u coach meet and greet. That worked out great for getting scrimmages together and it also worked wonders on getting to meet and talk to a bunch of you. It has been nice getting to know all the coaches and teams. Good luck to those of you moving on and I would appreciate a shout out from those of you that have another year of 10u. :yahoo:


Feel like coming to Buffalo for a scrimmage? ;&
We are a first year 10U team hanging back. We look forward to the early play also. Good luck!