Central Ohio USSSA tournament dates for 2009



We have made some updates to the Central Ohio tournament date posting in the Ohio USSSA section. The southern states for 16 & 18-U locationa have been switched. Bob Darden will have the 16-U southern state June 12-14 in Beavercreek and I will have the 18-U the same weekend at Pickerington. We will not have any umpire shortages and plan on having as many college and high school state playoff level umpires working the games for us that weekend as with the majority of our central Ohio USSSA tournament weekends.

We have also added a tournament on July 3-5 in St. Paris. Curt Schaeffer is going to host a qualifier that weekend for 12/14/16-U teams. Many of you know Curt from the West Liberty tournaments and also the Miami County Blaze organizations.

Have a safe and happy new year.


Mike--thanks for posting this.

To clarify the 18U: What was the 18U Southern State at Beavercreek on June 6-7 has now been renamed the 18U Shootout @ the 'Creek--it will be the same June 6-7 date.


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