Grade requirements



I've gotten 3 different answers from 4 different people on this. Do Midterm grades, specifically an F, determine elegibillity for spring softball or does the last full semester report card outrank, supercede, trump etc. the midterm?
Thanks in advance for your help - assuming I get one, correct answer.


From the OHSAA Eligibility Guide
High school students (grades 9-12) must be currently enrolled in a member school and have received passing grades in a minimum of five (5) one credit courses, or the equivalent, in the immediately preceding grading period.

Seventh- and eighth-grade students must be currently enrolled in a member school and have received passing grades in 75 percent of subjects in which enrolled.

* You may not use summer school grades for failing grades received or lack of courses taken in the final grading period.

* Your semester and yearly grades have no effect on eligibility.

* Those taking postsecondary school courses must comply with OHSAA scholarship regulations.

* The eligibility or ineligibility of a student continues until the start of the fifth school day of the next grading period, at which time the grades from the immediately preceding grading period become effective.

So to answer your question, the OHSAA says the last grading period, not semester or mid-term. Member schools, however, may, I believe, hold their student-athletes to a higher standard.