Howard Kobata clinic May 9



There are a few open spots for girls age 12-14 to learn advanced defensive skills from Howard Kobata. He will be in the Canton area on May 9th from 6-8p.m. Cost is $30.00/girl. If interested please contact Jason at 330-265-4665


I always recommend any camp Howard is conducting. They are always a fast paced intense workout, that delivers an overwhelming wealth defensive skill knowledge. That being said, to get the benefit of this type of instruction, the girls, and preferably their coaches, must dedicate themselves to practicing and perfecting the methods taught until they become second nature for the athlete.


Jason said there are still a couple of openings for this clinic. Players and coaches, Howard Kobata doesn't get to northeast Ohio all that often. Take advantage of this opportunity. Howard's clinics are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for players as as well as coaches. I've known Howard for more than a decade now and have seen him teach at least two dozen times and I still learn from him every time I attend one of his clinics.

If you talk with players and coaches from northeast Ohio whose teams have had top-10 finishes in recent years at ASA nationals, they will tell you that Howard's fielding style has been a big part of their success. There are also players with a top-10 Premier finish who will tell you the same thing.

What TheBearMay said is important and I would like to second it. While Howard can give players and coaches a defensive blueprint at one of his clinics, a sound defense can only be built through regular practice where proper technique is emphasized and taught in a progressive manner. Before coaches can teach Kobata's methods they must first understand them.