Live Pitch/Hit League: Games begin Jan. 13th-14U & HS-5 wks..Rosters due 1/4/18

Sep 22, 2015
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BEST GAME around.....MGS Live Pitching / Hitting League:
Need Reps - Get them here !!

*It is a great tool for getting lots of valuable swings and perfecting the bunt
*Provides an opportunity to see a lot of different pitches as well as game situational hitting
*Builds confidence at the plate w 7 at bats each week
*Quick-paced and very competitive with an USA Umpires
*Catchers/Pitchers/Hitters real-time game calling and throwing for both P and C
*Schedule Requests-Game times: Between 12:30m and 8pm (Games are 1 hour 15 minutes)
*Winter Session Starts January 13th for 5 weeks + Play-offs
*Age Groups:14U and High School begin 1/13/18
10U and 12U begin 1/19/18
*Cost: $400 per team

Live Hitting League has a energetic atmosphere and is a great way to keep your swing in shape this winter. Our concept of Hitting League is so valuable to get needed batting practice in the off-season.

It is the best way to see a lot of different pitches as well as improve your plate coverage and hitting all the zones for both pitchers and hitters

Questions....Call Kathy @ 614-717-9934
Mannino's Grand Slam USA
6635 Dublin Center Dr.
Dublin, Oh 43017

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