OFC - 2011 Upgrade Starts this Week



OFC - Ohio Fastpitch Connection is getting a new upgrade. I won't get into all detail, but wanted to make everyone aware that we are getting a much needed upgrade.

We hirer "Motion City Media" to work on this project. You won't notice many changes to start. But once everything is done you will notice the changes below.

OFC - Ohio Fastpitch Connection will have a new domain it will be www.thesoftballzone.com the name will be the same but the domain will

OFC - Ohio Fastpitch Connection Chat system will be a new system that work right inside the forum. All you will need to do is click on the chat button and you can join right in. It will also show you how many people are
in the chat room.

Better spam control and email system. We are upgrade to the very best spam control and email system.

New member and old member will not have all the problem you run into now.

We are changing form Window server to a Linux server.

OFC - Ohio Fastpitch Connection & TSZ - The Softball Zone will join together to give you everything that OFC has now plus more.

Everything OFC has now will still be here it will work better.

TSZ - The Softball Zone will be a copy of what OFC is now but for every State.

The main concern I'm sure most everyone is thinking or asking yourself.

Does this mean OFC will change ? Yes we will have some changes but OFC will still be the same forum and web site that your using today.

Ricky Moorehead


Let me ask... Ricky you know that many of us advertise in eteamz... and what I personally do is link them back to the OFC at my tournament thread.... hoping for that eteamz traffic and introducing them to the OFC.

I have posted events in there already... Am I going to have to go back and edit


does it happen to be if they hit the tournament link at eteamz to come to www.game-ex.com or will automatically move the user to www.thesoftballzone.com ?


Mr. Moorehead, will there be any downtime, meaning where users can't get on for a period of time? If so, will you be posting those time frames? That might be nice for those who are "addicted" can go get their hair done, schedule a hitting lesson, etc., while it's down. jk ;)


Tim all Link that you or anyone has up will still work, will just forward them to the new link on our end. Same as with banners, anyone that has a banner up it will forward them to the correct address. so using game-ex.com domain will not be problem we will phase out game-ex.com over the next year. But it will take about 1 year from the complete date of moving everything over to thesoftballzone.com domain.

softball - we should have very little down time. And when we do have down time it will be sometime after mid-night.

Ricky Moorehead


Thanks Ricky. I was hoping there was a transition period where if someone hit the link to the OFC.... like a tournament thread link... it would still move them from eteamz to the tournament thread link no matter if the switch over had taken place.


Thanks for the upgrades Ricky :)



If it is anything like what I saw a preview of a few months ago, it will be the absolute nicest girls fastpitch website in all of the country. Believe me, I have seen them all.

It will be hands down the nicest site in America, user friendly ( unlike eteamz anymore ) and will give softballers a chance to communicate with other states and other ideas.

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