OHIO HAWKS ROBINSON 01 looking for one ...



Due to a player deciding to pursue another sport full-time, we are looking for one girl to complete our 2014 roster. This team has a ton of flexibility defensively, therefore we are willing to look at any talented players. The team is an all 2001 birth year team and are looking for a player who can play with us long term. We are playing a very competitive A level schedule including Spring Slam, Dayton Metro, Laser Nation, Stingrays Showcase, and GAPSS. Our goal is to qualify and play at ASA Nationals.

Please contact us for a private tryout at:


Rick Robinson 513-465-3887
Jerry Larson 513-439-8967
Brian Ruppert 937-608-1929

Check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ohio-...09838072382416