Orthodontist $$$



Your'e probably going to need to be ready to get their wisdom teeth out when they turn 18 so the teeth stay as good as they look when the braces came off. One more to go with that one...


After the 5 grand on braces I am going to plug the game face. That much money in her face it better never see a ball. I dont even want to remember the oral surgen that had to pull the remaining baby teet to make room for the braces.


We payed $4190.00 for our DD braces. She's had them on since Nov of 2007. So we got the exciting news from her Orthodontist that they will be finally coming off 2nd week of March(which happens to be during her HS tryouts). Day before her dr. appt to get them removed, she's pitching to batters and gets nailed in the mouth by a line drive. First time she's gotten hit. No facemask or No mouth piece with a mouthfull of braces equals a very bad nasty jacked-up painfull cuts in your mouth! I've tried and tried to get her to wear her mouth piece or facemask but, she always came-up with a reason for herself not too...She doesn't have one now.


and then....................
DD gets em off 4 months later takes a rise ball to the face--------- broken jaw; lost two teeth; destroyed gums OUCH!! physically and financially!

It is a "do over"
took 7 years to get Medical Mutual to "man up" and fix it (still fighting the last bill)

happened when DD was 16; she is now 22 and just got her teeth this fall!

I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!! Gimme your premiums-- we won't pay claims BLAH BLAH