OSU Camp January 21st and January 22nd



Buckeye Sports Camps
(614) 247-CAMP (2267)
Saturday, January 21
Ages 8 and up
Pitching I: Drills & Fundamentals.
CATCHING I: Drills & Fundamentals | 9 - 11:30 am
. This session is separate from the pitching sessions.
BREAK/LECTURErain Training to Improve Your Hitting and Fielding Percentage? by Dr Steven Curtis of the Vision
Performance Center of Columbus
OFFENSIVE I: Drills & Mechanics | 12:30 - 3 pm
FIELDING I: Proper Fielding Techniques and Position Footwork |
3:30 - 6 pm

Sunday, January 22nd
Ages 12 and up
Pitching II: Advanced Movementn for catching instruction.
CATCHING II: Advanced Drills | 9 - 11:30 am
will also be discussed. This session is separate from the pitching sessions.
BREAK/LECTURE | 11:45 am - 1ining to Improve Your Hitting and Fielding Percentage? by Dr Steven Curtis of the VisionPerformance Center of Columbus
OFFENSIVE II: Advanced Hitting and Plate Coverage | 12:30 - 3 pmructed, along with advanced sliding.
FIELDING II: Advanced Fielding Techniques and Position Play