Pitching and Pitchers Discussion pitching



At what age should a pitcher learn a rise, curve or screwball


It really depends on her maturation as a pitcher. Not until she has learned the mechanics for a fastball and be consistant can she learn other pitches. I've seen many girls who have said they throw the curve-rise-screwball and they not even understand the mechanics for them. Usually pitchers will learn a fastball/drop and a change-up before the other junk pitches.


I think a pitcher should be working on the different rotations for spin pitches immediately. It doesn't mean they have to throw them from the full distance but they should at least be working on the spin so that they will be able to throw them when they are older. Go through your pitching routine, then at the end you can spend about 15 min. working the spins of the rise, curve, etc.


stp12 is right. ?The ladies should be working on the mechanics and the spin of each pitch. ?As Shock has stated you should master the fastball and the change-up first. ?As they get older they will need a ball that moves. ?A steady diet of fastballs is going to lead to a steady parade around the bases for your opponent. ?The pitcher should work on a pitch that changes planes. ?This would be a drop-ball, rise-ball, drop-curve, etc. ?Some advocate the peel drop and others the roll over drop. ?This varies by the pitching coach. ?Both can be effective. ?The curve and screwball can work well but they don?t change planes. ?So unless they either move a bunch away from the batter or really jam her on the handle they will not be very effective. ?The batter has the whole length of the bat to adjust to a pitch that changes on a horizontal plane. ?The batter doesn?t have this luxury on a pitch that changes on the vertical plane. ?As to learning the rise-ball, she will need to be throwing in the mid to upper 50?s to get a good bite. ?This speed is needed to creating a fast rotation that will cause this bite/jump on the ball. ?The pitcher should master 3 to 4 good pitches. ?I like the fastball, change-up, drop-ball, and the rise-ball. ?IMHO. ?:)


Lot's of good advice. Only 10% of the pitcher's ever learn to throw a true Rise ball. As stated above you must be in the high 50's to create enough spin. It also depends on the age of the pitcher. Most high school pitchers only have 4 that they throw correctly. Here is the order that our pitching coach and Hillhouse suggest.
Fastball- Drop ball- Change up. After you can throw all three correctly, do you move on.


Hillhouse would NEVER recommend someone throw a fastball! That's blasphemy to him! :)


Here is a site you can read and learn about where you should be on pitching. It also covers what you should expect in speed based on age. Which if you read some of the postings on here , you want to lchuckle..


I would suggest parents of pitchers read it. It covers injurys, proper pitching, training. speed. types of pitches and how to throw them.

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