Private School Player without OHSAA Team



Very good, corner player (C, 1B, 3B) with a very good bat without high school team. Player currently attending private school without an athletic program available in Southern Ohio. Legal agreement between interested school and player's private school, utilizing OHHAA guidelines possible????? Player has played softball for 7 years. Two years of non-scholastic travel team experience. Talented, good attitude, smart.

Please contact: 740-708-4384.


Wouldn't this player be required to go to her "home school"? Not sure how that works, but if she attends a private school that does not have sports, she should be required to play for her home school, unless there is open enrollment in that county.
Seems a little odd that a person in a private school has the option of shopping around for a team without actually moving from a district.

Can someone with knowledge of this enlighten me???

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