?Soundtrack for demo tape?



My dd's pitching coach recently mentioned to her that he will be putting together a profile/demo tape/cd?? ?over the next year or two, and suggested that she think about a song she would like to have as the soundtrack. ?We have a few ideas, but would be very interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this. :D


Talked to College Coaches at the QDSN this past Jan., and they said they turn the music down and just watch the video. Couple I talked to like to hear the player talk about her grades and positions she plays, and that is about all they listen to.

Not saying all coaches do this, but the 7-8 I talked to said the same thing.


I got the same advice a few years back when I asked coaches. Consider your audience - college coaches. They are interested in your DD and her talents. She's not trying out for American Idol, she's showcasing her softball skills. The music may sound great to you, but it's only a distraction to most coaches.

I second the idea about hearing her talk. A short synopsis of why she loves softball, or her favorite school subject, etc. would be of more interest to them.


i agree and i think they also fast forward and rewind alot to see certain parts so they probably wouldn't pay any attention to the music.


Thank you to the above posters---see, this is why this is such a good site. You get to benefit from the experience and collective wisdom of all the readers. I believe you are correct, we will probably just have her talk a little bit about what she loves about softball and what she intends to study in college. Thanks again :)


katjoe, the coaches want well rounded student athletes. It's a scientific gamble for them. Sure, they want top athletes, but they also look at the "insurance policy", which is the other half of the deal - academics (ACT, SAT), social skills, leadership ability, and general "people" skills. NCAA has pretty strict eligibility rules, and coaches don't want a kid that they have to constantly baby-sit academically and coddle socially to keep eligible.

The way a kid behaves around her parents, team mates and coaches in summer can speak volumes for a college coach. So a little blurb (mini speech, 30 seconds or so) on your video can be very helpful in communicating her personality type. Skip the music, and put a polish on her presentation. Hope that helps, and good luck!


My daughter attended the Ohio State softball camp two weeks ago, the OSU coach and the division three coach that were there both said, " No need to add music to your video, we don't listen to it. ?We want to see your child in a game situation." ?Some people add a bag of popcorn with the video. ?The OSU coach said, "Don't send the popcorn either.", but the division three coach said send her the popcorn because their budget isn't as big as OSU. :)