how to ask umpire crew on questionable calls...


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Jun 17, 2014
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Hope fully we can get some participation from the Umpires out there to help us treat you guys better during the heat of the games!! lol

ok so the situations are as follow's and what would be the correct most respectful approach to the umpire crew? and what is not even approachable or appealable? Coaches, add any more tough situations you can think of and add to the list. Number them so when the pro's answer they can go by the situation number too.

1) runner called out at first but you think field ump didn't have a clear view, was out of position, or view blocked by a player and want to ask if home ump can override the call or at least ask the umpire crew to have a discussion together about it.

2) Batter check swings - who can ask (coach or player) and what is the correct way to ask for an appeal?

3) similar to situation #1 - play at 2nd base , runner called out and again you think the field ump's view was blocked by a player or he was out of position and the plate ump may have a better view of the call.

4) runner on 2nd and after ball is hit to OF the hitter rounds first base at the same time runner on 2nd is heading around 3rd going home, with a collision after hitter rounds first... who has this call? field ump or plate ump for interference? How does a coach approach an interference call that wasn't made at all and then the hitter gets thrown out at 2nd and would have been safe if not interfered.

5) runner on 3rd tags up but she leaves early.... is she automatically called out by umpire crew or do you have to appeal the call? and if so, what's the correct and most respectful way?

6) Runner hit a gapper to the fence and as she rounds 1st base... she misses by 12 inches! You saw it... the umps saw it... who calls it? Is it automatically called out by umpire crew or do you have to appeal it? and if so, what's the correct and most respectful way?

7) Can a field umpire ever override the plate umpire? maybe on a catcher in baseline with no ball blocking the plate? or anything like that?

8) Can the plate umpire override a field umpires call? if so, when? be specific please.


Aug 28, 2017
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Columbus, OH
I can tell everyone from my experience that asking politely if they were taught the strike zone in umpire class is not a good idea... But I like this topic!


Active Member
Jul 11, 2014
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2) Batter check swings - who can ask (coach or player) and what is the correct way to ask for an appeal?

One of the scenarios that cracks me up every time is when the plate umpire calls the check swing a swing (and therefore a strike), and the coach insists that it can be appealed to the field umpire to say no swing.

Tallmadge Force Gold

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Jun 27, 2018
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9. How do you approach an umpire that does not know a rule? This can be differences between ruling bodies or at the younger age groups where umpires are less experienced. Do you just bite your tongue and accept it or is there an efficient way to explain the rule to an inexperienced umpire?

I know this is a tough issue because protests are virtually non-existent which would cure these mistakes but an umpire can also feel they are being shown up and get defensive.


Super Moderator
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Jun 17, 2014
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10. the other team is currently batting out of order.... who what and when do or can you ask your umpire or point it out and how do you properly do this?


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Jun 17, 2014
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this post is for people to understand and learn somethings about softball and how to act during games when questions or concerns arrive in the heat of the battle. Plz if you have positive constructive input, that would be appreciated as i can say honestly sometimes these rules or ways to do things aren't always as easy as you think. This is why i put this together to help not only me refresh my brain but also help other understand who what and how. Thank you in advance for taking this serious and not being a wise guy.


Super Moderator
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Jun 30, 2014
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Central Ohio
So your telling me breaking 2 clipboards during a game and running out on the field yelling is not the proper way to get the calls overturned? Hmmm. Lol.

I have broke several clipboards but I always call time take a breath and approach the umpires like I want to be approached. They are human. They make mistakes.

I can go through and answer these how I would handle each situation if you would like @DanMaz. Meaning who I would go to and things like that. Is That what you are wanting to do to help these newer coaches out there?


Super Moderator
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Jun 17, 2014
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So your telling me breaking 2 clipboards during a game and running out on the field yelling is not the proper way to get the calls overturned? Hmmm. Lol.

I have broke several clipboards but I always call time take a breath and approach the umpires like I want to be approached. They are human. They make mistakes.

I can go through and answer these how I would handle each situation if you would like @DanMaz. Meaning who I would go to and things like that. Is That what you are wanting to do to help these newer coaches out there?
exactly.... looking to see how coaches would handle each situation and ALSO wanted to hear from Umpires for their take. thank you Jeff!


Super Moderator
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Jun 30, 2014
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Central Ohio
1) runner called out at first but you think field ump didn't have a clear view, was out of position, or view blocked by a player and want to ask if home ump can override the call or at least ask the umpire crew to have a discussion together about it.

I would call time walk out to the field umpire and talk with he or she and then ask if they can discuss. Plate may have a better view.

2) Batter check swings - who can ask (coach or player) and what is the correct way to ask for an appeal?

IMO this should be the catcher. Coaches need to coach their players to immediately point to the field ump on a check swing. Simply put.

3) similar to situation #1 - play at 2nd base , runner called out and again you think the field ump's view was blocked by a player or he was out of position and the plate ump may have a better view of the call.

again I would call time and approach the field ump.

4) runner on 2nd and after ball is hit to OF the hitter rounds first base at the same time runner on 2nd is heading around 3rd going home, with a collision after hitter rounds first... who has this call? field ump or plate ump for interference? How does a coach approach an interference call that wasn't made at all and then the hitter gets thrown out at 2nd and would have been safe if not interfered.

Field ump should have this call. If missed again call time and respectfully approach the field ump.

5) runner on 3rd tags up but she leaves early.... is she automatically called out by umpire crew or do you have to appeal the call? and if so, what's the correct and most respectful way?

have the defense get set. Pitcher steps off the mound and throws to the whatever base runner did not tag up at. At that point umpires call her out.

6) Runner hit a gapper to the fence and as she rounds 1st base... she misses by 12 inches! You saw it... the umps saw it... who calls it? Is it automatically called out by umpire crew or do you have to appeal it? and if so, what's the correct and most respectful way?

again throw the ball to the base that was missed and have defense step on the bag. Your out Jack!!

7) Can a field umpire ever override the plate umpire? maybe on a catcher in baseline with no ball blocking the plate? or anything like that?

Very rarely but it has happened. Foul ball down the line. Usually if there’s a senior field ump and Green plate ump.

8) Can the plate umpire override a field umpires call? if so, when? be specific please.

yes. This happens all the time. Interference calls of top my head.

At the end of the day umpires are humans. They are not there to cheat you or the girls. They are there to do their job the best they can. They are gonna make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. Treat them with respect and the games are a lot more fun for everyone.


TSZ/OFC Umpire in Chief
Jun 19, 2014
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1) If you think that an umpire had his view blocked or was out of position, at the end of the play request time, wait for it to be granted, then go to the umpire who made the call with your concern.

That umpire will know if his view was blocked or not. If it was, then he should admit it and go to his partner for help. It’s then up to the umpire who made the call to change it or not. Only he can change it. The other umpire can never overrule him.

If the umpire saw everything he’s supposed to see, then he shouldn’t go to his partner. And there’s nothing that says he has to check with his partner just because a coach asked. If he needs to he should, if he doesn’t then he shouldn’t.

2) I think that NCAA rules say it has to be the catcher who makes this request on a checked swing. But for all amateur levels below that it can be a coach or a player.

Just asking the umpire, “Can you check that?”, or, “Did she go?”, should be all you need to say.

Another rule difference with college is that NCAA says the umpire must go to his partner if asked. Lower levels say that the umpire is not required to and may refuse the request. He should only refuse if he is certain there wasn't a swing.

A couple of other things on checked swings. Only the defense can request help and they can request help only if the pitch was called a ball. In other words, if it’s called a strike the offense may not request help trying to get the call reversed to a ball. I actually had an offensive coach argue this once up to the point where, after I’d explained it as plainly as possible, he kept going and got himself ejected.

3) Same answer as #1

4) Either umpire may call this if he sees it. On this particular play, the plate umpire is responsible for the lead runner and the base umpire is responsible for the trailing runner. Each umpire should be watching for their respective runner to touch their bases as well as watching for an OBSTRUCTION call if the runner is impeded by the defense. Either umpire might see it, and may call it, but might very well be watching the other runner they’re supposed to be watching.

Two rules that are most often confused are OBSTRUCTION and INTERFERENCE. They’re two different things with different penalties and implications. Basically, interference is a rule violation committed by the OFFENSE while obstruction is a rule violation committed by the DEFENSE.

If you suspect that the umpires missed either one of these, when the play is over you should ask them if they saw it and what they had. They should be able to explain what they called and why.

###I think that I’ll take a break and get to the rest of these later!###
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Super Moderator
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Jun 17, 2014
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Excellent BretMan2. Thank you very much sir. already helped me out AGAIN! appreciate you man. waiting for the rest of the answers , after your coffee break! lol


New Member
Feb 22, 2021
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I say what the Umpire says goes. He is trying to make the right calls and (or she) and they will see things from their perspective and not yours. Be thankful we have them

Taryn Howard

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Jan 26, 2021
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Most umpires will stick to their original call. As a coach you have the right to question a call, respectfully, however it’s unlikely the call will be reversed. The calls, good or bad equally benefit or hinder your team. It’s just how it is.


Super Moderator
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Jun 17, 2014
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I say what the Umpire says goes. He is trying to make the right calls and (or she) and they will see things from their perspective and not yours. Be thankful we have them
true BUT sometimes when a field ump is out of position, you can get the plate ump to help and possible reverse a "bad" call. So, i disagree that you just sit their and take what ever is called. PLUS- i think you can learn more about the game, its rules, and how calls are made or should be made. If you approach it in a respectful manner, there is nothing bad or negative about asking an ump for help or clarification. you must be an ump... ? lol thank you if you are! We need good umps!

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