Recruiting Advice for 2022 Pitcher , Looking for Help


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Oct 8, 2015
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My question is without breaking the bank , what are some of the best ROI's in terms of getting daughter seen. A week ago my DD hit 62mph at a local D2 camp, she pitched 5 innings over 2 days and more than held her own. After watching her compete against some older girls, some committed recruits, I started to think what I could do better over the next couple years. She plays on solid team with good reputation, last year played in Stingrays, Lasers and Aunt Rosie as a 13u team. We are looking to ad 1 or 2 more showcase type of events this summer possibly team NJ. I think we play a pretty decent schedule allowing to us to play up in 16u if needed in local showcases. We attended the Stingrays camp this year , but it was basically a wash out will try again this summer. Got her into the Winter Kent State camp and will try to add 1 or 2 more if possible. Thoughts on Queen of Diamonds ? What about recruiting services like : NCSA, CaptainU even at the basic service level ..So far she has the grades in Middle school, with Straight A's. She sends emails to a list of coaches and schools and has filled out the player profile page on about 30 schools. So far I think we have been on the right track , what should we be doing next ? Am I being blinded about the possibility of throwing 65 by the summer of 2019 ? Thank you for any helpful ideas
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Jun 22, 2014
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Did you have a video made out? I'd skip the recruiting services if your coaches have great relationships with college coaches. But the key...does she have a recruiting video? That's what helped my dd immensely along with Warren reaching out to college coaches. Granted mine were more of actual game film than anything.

Is you dd reaching out to college coaches? If she hasn't and doesn't have a video done...get that done and have her email those coaches with the video. They get hundreds of emails and will not take the time if no video is attached.

What are her aspirations? That's the key to the whole thing.


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Jun 22, 2014
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NE Ohio
Depending on what type of school she wants to attend, I'd say sign her up for the ACT. IMO, the earlier they take it, the better. If you take it in 8th or early 9th grade when there is no pressure, they will get valuable experience with the test and get a feel for their strengths and weaknesses. Of course there will be some concepts/skills on the test they will not have learned yet; however, there is a lot that they will have had - especially in the reading and English areas. Just the process of taking the test more times will almost always increase their score due to familiarity with the process, pacing, content, etc. Not to be snarky, but these days almost everyone has a 4.0 (or close). You don't want to be blindsided as a junior thinking that since your DD is a 4.0 student, the ACT will be a breeze. Then she gets a 17 and you realize she has tons of work to do when it is already crunch time.
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Jun 17, 2014
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If your DD is in 8th grade and throwing 62 legit already, then I have to say you don't have to do too much. In fact, allow her to enjoy other sports and play on a fun competitive club, summer only, 6 tournies max this year. Playing tons of events as an eighth grader wont serve you much and could lead to burnout, etc. If she is nearing 65 as a sophomore, then hit the fall circuits and all showcases in the summer, and maybe join a club like the Beverly Bandits and the college coaches will find you, not the other way around lol. What I am saying is throwing a legitimate 65 mph at any point in HS is your ticket to pretty much any major D1 school around. Not many girls will throw 65 in their careers. High schoolers like Taran Alvelo did in high school, pretty much legendary, though.


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Oct 8, 2015
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Did you have a video made out? I'd skip the recruiting services if your coaches have great relationships with college coaches. But the key...does she have a recruiting video? That's what helped my dd immensely along with Warren reaching out to college coaches. Granted mine were more of actual game film than anything.

Is you dd reaching out to college coaches? If she hasn't and doesn't have a video done...get that done and have her email those coaches with the video. They get hundreds of emails and will not take the time if no video is attached.

What are her aspirations? That's the key to the whole thing.

Thanks , Video was my next thought. Skills video or actual Game footage ? I was thinking about creating a YouTube channel and start uploading clips of game action ...Aspirations for her and me may be a little different. I just want her to go to a good school and get a degree in something that will set her up in life so DI, DII or DIII does not really matter ...But at the same time want her to have fun and play ...


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Oct 8, 2015
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If your DD is in 8th grade and throwing 62 legit already, then I have to say you don't have to do too much. In fact, allow her to enjoy other sports and play on a fun competitive club, summer only, 6 tournies max this year. Playing tons of events as an eighth grader wont serve you much and could lead to burnout, etc. If she is nearing 65 as a sophomore, then hit the fall circuits and all showcases in the summer, and maybe join a club like the Beverly Bandits and the college coaches will find you, not the other way around lol. What I am saying is throwing a legitimate 65 mph at any point in HS is your ticket to pretty much any major D1 school around. Not many girls will throw 65 in their careers. High schoolers like Taran Alvelo did in high school, pretty much legendary, though.

Thank for advice , I almost did not want to even mention the speed thing because there a lot of other factors to this thing, spin , movement ...etc . Also the fact of the matter is not every pitch is 61-62mph ...I bet her game average is 59-60 when she is in her groove. I have been tracking her progress for the last 3 years and she seems to add 2-3mph each year. I hoping she grows another 1-2 inches and gets stronger as she gets older. that with proper training and form should get her where she wants to go. Funny thing is she sets these goals not me. I just try my best to help


Active Member
Jun 22, 2014
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Thanks , Video was my next thought. Skills video or actual Game footage ? I was thinking about creating a YouTube channel and start uploading clips of game action ...Aspirations for her and me may be a little different. I just want her to go to a good school and get a degree in something that will set her up in life so DI, DII or DIII does not really matter ...But at the same time want her to have fun and play ...

Skills video will work best, especially if she can hit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2014
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If she is nearing 65 as a sophomore, then hit the fall circuits and all showcases in the summer, and maybe join a club like the Beverly Bandits...
I'd get her on the best team you can, right now. She's an 8th grader, so waiting until she's a sophomore, I feel many elite pitchers will have probably caught up to her or at least be in the same neighborhood as her. Many pitcher's will have already formed relationships with these teams and the teams will stick with who they know, there is a familiarity there. I just feel getting your dd on a highly competitive team is the best thing you can do for her. Plus, if she is playing rec travel teams/rec travel tournaments or similar, college coaches are less likely to see her. I'm not sure the opportunity will be there to get her on an elite team, if you don't play as high level now as you can, as soon as you can, you are taking a chance. But, maybe I don't know anything?!?

Another thought, when you play on some of these elite teams, I feel every other team will play your dd's team differently than if she played on a B level team. It just seems like everyone wants bragging rights about taking down a good team. In general, hitters see better pitchers, teams usually only bat 9, they play with their best defense, they are always pumped up and screaming, etc. and will just "bring it" when playing an A-level travel team. I think it's consistently better play on an A-level team and if it doesn't kill her confidence, it will make her stronger!

Good luck!


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Jun 17, 2014
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North Canton
If what I hear is true, she's already on a team that will get her exposure. My question is does she even know what she wants to go to school for?


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Oct 8, 2015
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If what I hear is true, she's already on a team that will get her exposure. My question is does she even know what she wants to go to school for?

Now, that's the real question does she really know what she wants to do now and how many times will that change in the next 2-3 years. Right now its Physical Therapy and Teaching. She is on a good team, we play a competitive A schedule in my opinion. Did not want the post to turn into what organization is the best because we are Happy were we are at. I was looking for ideas that will help without Breaking the Bank...Skills video seems to be the #1 thing that is a must, so we will be working on that next. In regards to Recruiting services , seems most say stay away from them. We have used the free profile options and thought about taking advantage of the lower level offers that cost about $150.00 a year. Would love to hear more about the best camps that have the most college coaches attend. Will be at Kent State in January and plan on attending 2-3 more this winter.


Jun 20, 2014
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Lots of good advice, no question but here is the most important.

If she actually hits 65MPH and has a working speed of 59-60 as a 13 year old get her some good instruction on the breaking pitches BUT.....DON"T let her over pitch.

Get her on a team with 3 other solid pitchers. She's a kid and still growing. Sure some D-1 22-year old threw every inning of every playoff game but she's not your daughter. The pitching motion is not free in spite of what people tell you. Every pitch extracts a toll on her body. At 13 she shouldn't be throwing more than a couple of games a weekend. Say 250 pitches. Have her learn a quick warm-up so she is ready to go in less than 10-minutes, (don't confuse a warm-up with a work-out) SO her weekend throws are limited. When she is 22 and throwing in the D-1 World Series game three maybe she still will be able to throw at 65MPH+.

She will be found and recruited if she does NOT get injured. Protect her. I witnessed a young women that was a serious D-1 prospect but one weekend she was the only pitcher her team had and she pitched them into the final game in Sunday. Two weeks later she still couldn't get her hand over her head. She never played in college.

Do not let anyone abuse your dd including you.


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Jun 17, 2014
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North Canton
I would avoid recruiting services, not worth the money.

IMO, with the schedule you will be playing (assuming i'm correct in my thinking) she will be seen and recruited.


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Jun 17, 2014
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BUT.....DON"T let her over pitch.

Get her on a team with 3 other solid pitchers. She's a kid and still growing. Sure some D-1 22-year old threw every inning of every playoff game but she's not your daughter. The pitching motion is not free in spite of what people tell you. Every pitch extracts a toll on her body. At 13 she shouldn't be throwing more than a couple of games a weekend... maybe she still will be able to throw at 65MPH+.

She will be found and recruited if she does NOT get injured. Protect her. I witnessed a young women that was a serious D-1 prospect but one weekend she was the only pitcher her team had and she pitched them into the final game in Sunday. Two weeks later she still couldn't get her hand over her head. She never played in college.

Do not let anyone abuse your dd including you.

Very interesting... just talked with an ex-D1 college baseball player who said in boy's baseball parents are now refusing to let their boys pitch at the younger ages because the belief is exactly as Fairman stated... "every pitch extracts a toll..." I really don't know if there truly is a big difference in the cumulative wear and tear on a boy's arm vs. girl's arm after pitching heavy innings years on end. But watching girls now hitting mid-60s, sometimes by 8th grade, I'm not so sure I would believe that myth if my daughter were a hard-throwing pitcher. While I do believe a girl's motion may be somewhat more forgiving, I would still approach these recruiting years with the idea that there is no scholarship if she can't continue to get stronger and stay healthy. I'm sure nearly every coach can tell you disaster stories of young phenoms not playing softball due to being overused... I personally know of several... not always the arm either. Great advice!
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Jun 17, 2014
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Very interesting... just talked with an ex-D1 college baseball player who said in boy's baseball parents are now refusing to let their boys pitch at the younger ages because the belief is exactly as Fairman stated... "every pitch extracts a toll..." I really don't know if there truly is a big difference in the cumulative wear and tear on a boy's arm vs. girl's arm after pitching heavy innings years on end. But watching girls now hitting mid-60s, sometimes by 8th grade, I'm not so sure I would believe that myth if my daughter were a hard-throwing pitcher. While I do believe a girl's motion may be somewhat more forgiving, I would still approach these recruiting years with the idea that there is no scholarship if she can't continue to get stronger and stay healthy. I'm sure nearly every coach can tell you disaster stories of young phenoms not playing softball due to being overused... I personally know of several... not always the arm either. Great advice!

My daughter is a freshman pitcher at a D1 school this year and to TJs point, she has been going to a personal trainer to develop her core strength as well as overall physical condition for several years. She did this consistently throughout the year and not just a few weeks or months before a season. I believe this helped her endurance. We also built in a short rest period between the summer season and the fall season as well as a slightly longer rest period between fall season and any winter indoor games or workouts, including pitching lessons. (A total break)

As it relates to recruiting, a competitive schedule is good, having talent is necessary and having a coach that advocates for her is good too, but she will get her self recruited by performing in front of coaches. The more opportunities she has to perform in front of coaches, the more opportunity she has to get recruited.

Finally, my daughter did not verbal until shortly after her junior year in high school. She knew what she wanted to do at that point, she found a school that had her exact double major, her visit was great and she liked the coaches. With all of these things in mind, she is a VERY HAPPY freshman softball player. That is what all of us want for our daughters. So, don't panic and choose a school just to say your daughter has verbally committed.


Sep 13, 2014
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My question is without breaking the bank , what are some of the best ROI's in terms of getting daughter seen. A week ago my DD hit 62mph at a local D2 camp, she pitched 5 innings over 2 days and more than held her own. After watching her compete against some older girls, some committed recruits, I started to think what I could do better over the next couple years. She plays on solid team with good reputation, last year played in Stingrays, Lasers and Aunt Rosie as a 13u team. We are looking to ad 1 or 2 more showcase type of events this summer possibly team NJ. I think we play a pretty decent schedule allowing to us to play up in 16u if needed in local showcases. We attended the Stingrays camp this year , but it was basically a wash out will try again this summer. Got her into the Winter Kent State camp and will try to add 1 or 2 more if possible. Thoughts on Queen of Diamonds ? What about recruiting services like : NCSA, CaptainU even at the basic service level ..So far she has the grades in Middle school, with Straight A's. She sends emails to a list of coaches and schools and has filled out the player profile page on about 30 schools. So far I think we have been on the right track , what should we be doing next ? Am I being blinded about the possibility of throwing 65 by the summer of 2019 ? Thank you for any helpful ideas
Don't waist your money on any scouting organizations. Her travel ball coach, high school coach and pitching coach will handle it along with her e mailing and continually contacting coaches.
On the video idea, that was good. Look at "Valerie Thompson 2017 Softball" on face book for an example. This was used or looked at many, many times by coaches over 4 years...
I'm trying to think if there would have been anything I would have done different over the years but I don't believe there is... Maybe should have bought a camper when my dd was your dd's age!!! Lol! Also, don't burn any bridges. When it comes time you will be overwhelmed of how many people in softball will help you and her!
( opposing coaches over the years, Travel and High School, past coaches, umpires, a lot of people!) sounds like you are doing the same things. Good Luck!


Sep 13, 2014
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Very interesting... just talked with an ex-D1 college baseball player who said in boy's baseball parents are now refusing to let their boys pitch at the younger ages because the belief is exactly as Fairman stated... "every pitch extracts a toll..." I really don't know if there truly is a big difference in the cumulative wear and tear on a boy's arm vs. girl's arm after pitching heavy innings years on end. But watching girls now hitting mid-60s, sometimes by 8th grade, I'm not so sure I would believe that myth if my daughter were a hard-throwing pitcher. While I do believe a girl's motion may be somewhat more forgiving, I would still approach these recruiting years with the idea that there is no scholarship if she can't continue to get stronger and stay healthy. I'm sure nearly every coach can tell you disaster stories of young phenoms not playing softball due to being overused... I personally know of several... not always the arm either. Great advice!
Over use of anything is not good!
It's not as much the arm in underhand with the girls vs overhand with the boys in baseball but you will see back problems and knee problems. ( the knee they land on takes a pounding!)
Our pitching coach always had her eye on my dd!


Jun 20, 2014
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No one throws with a simple straight underhand motion. These kids are spinning the ball every which way but straight. Don't kid yourself, even an underhand motion will extract a penalty. Next time she goes to a lesson count the pitches, in an hour she can throw more than 150 times (full motion not even counting wrist snaps). 150 pitches will get her past most complete games. If she is only working out say 3 days a week and throwing 2 games she could throw almost 40,000 pitches in a year (3 workouts+2 games week) x 150 pitches/event x 50 weeks/year= 37,500 pitches per year. A boy playing baseball won't break 5,000/year. This is a lot of effort and a lot of stress on every joint on her body. Do some cross training and make her rest. You want her peaking when she is 22 not out of the game at 16.

I'd also recommend that she NOT use metal spikes until she is much older. Yes they give her a better grip but at the risk of damaging her knee/ankle. She places a tremendous force on her landing foot and then twists in the dirt; a little slippage here, at least until her joints mature is warranted. I see to many pitchers wearing ACL braces on their landing leg.

Get her great instruction and take care of her. When a coach asks her to pitch the 4th game in a weekend because her team needs her you need to step in and say no. You need to be the adult and protect her from abuse. No one will recruit her when her speed drops to 55 on what once was.

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