14u RLYL World Series



Shockwave 5
rebels 0

lunachix 11
spartans 0

shockwave 3
ball hawks 2

shockwave 5
lunachix 4

spartans 3
rebels 16

ballhawks 6
lunachix 1

shockwave 6
rebels 3

shockwave 6
ballhawks 1

lunachix 13
spartans 3

rebels 2
shockwave 1

lunachix 7
ballhawks 4

ballhawks 13
spartans 0

lunachix 5
shockwave 4

ballhawks 12
rebels 0

shockwave 17
spartans 2

shockwave 4
rebels 1

ballhawks 4
lunachix 2

LunaChix 2
Shockwave 9

14u Championship 9pm 8/8/09 VA Stadium

Shockwave vs Ballhawks

Shockwave 1 vs PA Ball Hawks 2

PA Ball Hawks 14u Class "C" Champions


Then what is the lunachix doing in there. I thought that they were a travel team. Isn't the rec world series supposed to be for community based allstar teams, and league teams?


The LunaChix were entered in the "A" Division Travel teams. There were not enough travel teams entered so the TD threw all of the travel teams in with the Rec teams. And do not let the fact that there were travel teams playing against Rec tems fool you. There are Rec and Class "B" teams in this tournament that would give even the eleite Travel Teams a run for their money. There was only 1 class "A" team in the tournament. and they were a 14u team playing in the 16u age group.

there was 2 class "B'" teams in the 10u, 1 in the 12u and 14u and 2 in the 16u.

This was the first year for this tournament. The TD and I are trying to work out the Kinks. as I was an ASST TD for him.


Our team was under the impression that this was a rec tournament and we also asked how Lunachix got in. And a couple others that it was pretty obvious they were head and shoulders above other teams. Didn't seem quite fair when one team had a couple girls drop out from the first time we saw them play Thursday. The next day a completely different girl is wearing the pitchers shirt but it was NOT that girl pitching!!!This tournament needs alot of work. We complained but after the money has been taken why would they do anything about it. Oh not to mention we were promised a game at the VA stadium which we didn't get!!! Our girls looked forward to playing there and it didn't happen. They left disappointed. They thought they would be able to compete with teams and didn't happen! Doubt our coach will go back next year unless serious changes are made and stricter rules are followed by ALL!


just to let everyone know the lunachix used some girls who have never played travel before an have only played rec also their team was not a team that had been together all season this particular team had not even practiced as a whole team.However seems lunachix are the focus here although there were more travel than rec teams in all age brackets.


Didn't they also pick a player or two from Buckeye Blast or Ohio classics? At least thats what we heard about the 10U team.


I'm not a hater of the Lunachix, don't get me wrong. There were 3 teams there that were flat out way above the level of competition that were Travel Teams. The shirt may have said Allstars but they were a Travel Team.


I agree we have a long way to go, to make this event work. Who knows maybe it won't work. But will move ahead and fix the problems we ran into and look forward to trying it again in 2010.

God Bless
Ricky Moorehead


I am sure there were lots of teams that picked up players. And the LunaChix shirts did not say All Stars - they said LunaChix.

Did the LunaChix 10U win the tournament, no they did not! My gosh, this is kids softball. What happened to going out and having fun and playing competitively??

To the tournament directors and everyone that put on the tournament. Great job! With everythign there are growing pains and I am sure things will get better and better every year. For my kids that played, it was a joy to see their eyes light up!

Thanks again for a great time!!!


Let me say bravo to Ricky for working hard to get this off the ground and no doubt they have some wrinkles to work out. If anyone is going to get it done then I would put my money on him.

Regarding the level of teams allowed in the event I personally think that it is most important to stick to the TRUE intended level in this type of tournament more then any other. The format is for local "All-Star" teams and I know that this definatition may have some wiggle room to it. In the spirit of what it is intended to be the level of the teams entered must be closely scrutinized. In the end it will be what makes this either work or not. If Rec teams become concerned that travel teams will be slipping in and trophy hunting then it will fail. I'm not saying this is what happened, but it appears that some people out there got the impression that it happened and that to them is the same thing.

Good luck with this Ricky and keep up the hard work.


I can only speak for the 10u division. Both teams that made the final were Rec teams. Every girl on our team came from Maysville Youth League. Does my daughter play travel? Yes. But she also attended every youth league practice and every youth league game all season. She was never picked up for any tournament. The same can be said for Lakewood.

Overall it is a great idea. I hope it does succeed. They do have some bugs to workout, but for the first year i think they did a good job.


Thanks everyone, we sure have allot to overcome. I'm really working hard to make this a Rec League Youth League - All Stars Team Type tournament.

I felt that the major challenge from the go would be to get them type of Teams on board with this event.

I do think it will take allot of work to put it all together and keep focus on what and who this tournament is for the girls.

We have already went to work on planning for the Rec League Youth League 2010 World Series.

Are main Focus is to aim are effort toward getting the Rec Team All Stars Type Teams wanted to attend the World Series.

Like I said allot of Work to move forward with this type of Event.

God Bless
Ricky Moorehead


I am the coach for the lady spartans and I would like to say that your intentions were good Rick but I am sorry to say that there were only 2 allstar teams in the 14u. Next year you may want to have teams supply proof that they are only allstar teams. We dont mind getting beat but the competition we faced was pretty demorilizing for my girls. We played in 3 or 4 other tournaments and were competative in all of them, even won 1 tournament. We did see a few trophy hunter teams in those tounaments as well. I just cannot understand why teams do this. My girls did have a good time playing in the stadium and spending the weekend there, so thanks for having us, but we will not attend next year unless the rules about what constitutes a real allstar team are layed out and enforced.


I am the coach for the lady spartans and I would like to say that your intentions were good Rick but I am sorry to say that there were only 2 allstar teams in the 14u. Next year you may want to have teams supply proof that they are only allstar teams. We dont mind getting beat but the competition we faced was pretty demorilizing for my girls. We played in 3 or 4 other tournaments and were competative in all of them, even won 1 tournament. We did see a few trophy hunter teams in those tounaments as well. I just cannot understand why teams do this. My girls did have a good time playing in the stadium and spending the weekend there, so thanks for having us, but we will not attend next year unless the rules about what constitutes a real allstar team are layed out and enforced.

I agree that it will be a big challenge to make sure this tournament is a True Rec League Youth League All Stars type team playing in this event.

I'm for one are thank full that we had the Team we did in 2009, in order to try and get all the things were trying to get for teams playing in this event. We have to get Team count.

But we don't want to keep aiming toward Team count meaning Travel Teams have to play with the Rec Teams.

We have a meeting Monday and will be going over all the problem we have in making this event happen and coming up with a game plan that will be aim toward the goal of making this a event that is fair playing field for the Rec Youth All Star Teams..

Stay tune as I'm sure that we will fix the problem we ran into in 2009l

Ricky Moorehead

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