4-24 Scores



Some great teams, players and coaches in NWO. But don't even think of spitting on a ballfield up there, they will cancel your game because its to wet.;&

YEP this double header was played in NWO on Saturday as well...:rolleyes:.

Port Clinton 000 00 - 0 3 1
Woodmore (12)00 0x - 13 14 1
WP-Stone. LP-Searight. Ulinski (W) 2-2, 4 RBI.

Port Clinton 000 000 0 - 0 6 2
Woodmore 013 200 x - 6 9 0
WP-Bouldin. LP-Wuersig. Busdecker (W), 2-3.


IT WASN"T THE FIELD!!!! Fields were playable, but they couldn't start games before 11am with the rain coming down and schools have bus issues, and SOME schools scheduled in the morning had prom that afternoon. I was scheduled for PM session, I wish in hindsight they'd just let us play and drop the NLL/TCL moniker for the weekend, but hindsight is 20/20 and the league commisioners were trying to be fair to all. These high school mega events are hard to pull off, they are not like summer tournaments, were they just say "show up at 3:00pm to start games, games will be 1 hour long drop dead". These games are ruled by OHSAA rules, that's what makes high school ball special.

Also, MANY places can get one field ready, when you are talking about 4-8 fields, that is a bigger hurdle.


Well, if it wasn't the fields as you said at the beginning of your post, then your last line doesn't really matter. The commissioners should have asked the coaches of each team whether or not they could still get transportation and then played as many games as possible. IF the NLL and TCL are going to force teams to play in this, they should do a better job of trying to get at LEAST ONE game in. The fact that they played a DH at Perrysburg for the JV teams and did not play any varsity games for all NLL schools and eight TCL schools is, in my opinion, ridiculous. The fact that all games were called by 6:45 am makes me think that they did not do all they could to try and get some games in. JMHO


I do know that the HC from PB was trying to get SUA and PB`s varsity to play at noon and have us (Jv) play at 2 but SUA had prom and that is why they had the early set anyways. I will say again PB`s feild was in great shape and could have been played on from noon till it started raining again later that evening....Maybe it would have been an oppurtunity to have some Varstity games played there and push the JV to the side.IDK..and with the way we played in both games I would have NOT minded that at all....lol...

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