Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber)



Due to some confusion in our schedule (I did not mark this tourney as booked until late in March) we had a parent buy $500 worth of Justin Bieber? (I am not going to bother looking up how to spell it) tickets that was last night at 7pm in Cinci.. of course, our first bracket game was at 6pm so we had our SS (3rd hitter), CF (clean-up) and first base (6th hitter) go. That left us with 8 players - including a girl we just picked up last week from a baseball team that never played fastpitch.

I choose not to add any players to the team but rather go with 8. My thinking is that it would be a good lesson for the girls there were left to have to battle shorthanded and not let the ones that left 'off the hook' by covering for them. (what would you have done?)

In the end we lost 4-2 - (we had the tieing run up with 1 out) but I saw the girls that played really grow .. they played hard, intense and they battled with a fire in their eye, knowing 2 of our best 3 players were not there with them.

Too often player look to the teams 'leaders' to win games for them, I saw other girls step up and fend for themselves. If there is such a thing as a good loss this was one...

What this heck is a Justin Beiber anyway?


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bierber?)

I always thought that during the softball travel season Fridays, saturdays and sundays were set aside for playing tournaments. Unless it was an off weekend that you decided to pick up another tournament on then I would expect everyone to be there. My guess is that your schedule has been out for some time now.

I have no idea what a Justin Beiber is either but if my daughter had committed to playing softball (a team sport) and then wanted to see this dude perform well then we might have had to buy a DVD versoin of the show. To me this is no different then a player or their family saying "sorry can't be there for any of the games this sunday because we are going to Kings Island. BTW have fun and good luck"


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

great story...

Here's Justin..


and here's my generation's version of the same guy..


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bierber?)

Justin Beiber is the most annoying singer I have ever heard.

I for one love the Kid.....My DD (had weekend off) and her mother took a friend to Cincy to see the show. Leaving me home alone with my best friend Sam Adams....

Justin Bieber for President!


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bierber?)

I for one love the Kid.....My DD (had weekend off) and her mother took a friend to Cincy to see the show. Leaving me home alone with my best friend Sam Adams....

Justin Bieber for President!

So, there is some good that could come out of this. Somehow Sam Adams always helps us put a positive spin on things. :)


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

During our last basketball season two of our players emerged (at different times) due to extended absences of starters. They got thrown into the fire and responded. Once the starters came back we were able to keep the newly emerged players going strong.


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

LOL... you would have to know me as coach, but I had other coaches coming up all day in disbelief that I 'let them go' ... yea, I could of stood a hard line, 1 would have prob went anyway, the others probably stay. In the end, it is like a marriage, you have to know when to fight and stand your ground and when to give. Sometimes letting things playout and letting natural turn of events play is better and let the other families and players exhert some good ole' peer pressure...


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

During our last basketball season two of our players emerged (at different times) due to extended absences of starters. They got thrown into the fire and responded. Once the starters came back we were able to keep the newly emerged players going strong.

Yep.. my catcher played a strong first, while our #2 catcher did great behind the plate.. she earned some PT there in the future that is for sure.

With 2 outs and runner on 2nd/3rd we got a ground ball back to the pitcher - she tossed it in RF ... 2 runs scored.. we gave up 4 total - 3 unearned... they had a chance to win ..that's all I can ask.


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

I think those kids have crappy parents for letting them go. My DD wouldn't have been able to consider it. They committed to a team and these parents allowed them to go against their word letting a bunch of others down. Unless they told you at the beginning that they would only be there unless something better came along they should have honored their commitment. Shame on those parents for putting you in that position and not teaching their kids better. :rolleyes:


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

I feel your pain!

Had similar issue with one of my daughter's teams ....... however; she made the plans with a friend prior to joining the team ... drove from cleveland to cincy.......... as much as I hate what it does to our team, I respect her committement to a friend too.

VACATIONS: My entire child and adult life seems to be scheduled around sports teams. As a kid, my parents NEVER scheduled our vacations during baseball (or football) seasons, knowing our (me and bro) teams depended on us to play............. As an adult, we tend to do the same thing ........ since our kids joined a tournament team, we had assumed everyone on the team would have the same committment.

Has anyone else had to pull out of a tournament or forfiet a game due to vacationing players?

Stay safe ... good luck this season.


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

Unbelievable that a parent would allow that.


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

Confusion or no confusion, there is no way I would have my kid going to a justin whatever concert when she has an obligation to play for her team. We all know we have to be prepared to play anytime during a weekend when we enter these tournaments. That said, I think you handled it appropriately. My dd did tell me that he was not her type, Lol. But.....he does have a couple of good songs. Glad to hear your girls handled it well.


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

Are we here for them or us! We tend to forget life is for living to the fullest. Not just doing what we want them to do.:(


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

Unbelievable!!!!!!!!! I was in shock when you told me that on Saturday evening. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

NO!!! Justin Bieber has found his way to the OFC? The sky really is falling. During the spring months my 4 year old DD would play his songs over and over on the computer. I tried to persuade her that he was really an alien that ate children. I don't think she believed me but I thought I was safe for a while. I didn't know anyone over 4 liked him, ugh...


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

This happens in high school ball too. Spring break vacations can be a pain in the butt. Would the starting QB miss a football game? Ahhhh no. How about the point guard on your school's BB team? Nah. But your 3 hole power hitting stud 3rd baseman? Yeah.....Parent's will take them to Florida and not think twice about it.


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

Do they play football games during Thanksgiving break in high school?


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

so, now what? any consequences?

cool for sharing this kind of news and not making it go south with complaints or a long diatribe about commitment. we plan on missing a few weekends for church camp and other such goings ons next year at 18u


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

Do they play football games during Thanksgiving break in high school?

Yes - if the team is lucky enough to make the playoffs.

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