Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber)



I don't spin.....I, like many OFC'ers, know how to read your hidden meanings. Your way of complimenting the other team at the same time taking it away with little comments like "we were short handed" or "she's a better pitcher when she doesn't hop".rofl.

Your coaches are knowlegeable and take great enthusiasm in their job. It's always fun to warm up next to them as they scream, be-little, and humiliate their players....with a dash of "good job". Do the girls get free thereapy during the off season as an added perk? Lmao.

Wish you continued success. :). (no hidden meaning there).


Oh, you mean when I state facts? Gee, the story has so much less meaning when you leave out that we were playing short handed or that our pitcher is really a better pitcher (much more ball movement when she is not leaping - less speed, more spin) .. as evident that she went 3-1 at the Lasers Inv without hopping .. but hey, let's never let the facts get in the way of the perception.

Last fact, I will never apologize for my or our coaches intensity. That does not mean we are not consistantly working to improve upon and change for the better. So far this season we have 'lost' exactly ZERO 12u and under players from our teams since the start of the season in April. That is from 7 teams.. I may have missed 1 player (there are over 70 at 12u and down), but obviously things are not too bad.

It must be the comfort the girls get lugging their trophies home at the end of the weekend that keeps them on board... lol.

BTW: I thought you were out?


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

I really miss seeing my DD play this year and I know she misses playing. We attended two different tournaments this past weekend and she was just itchin to play. But with that said, she is sooo enjoying the free time that she has now that she is pain-free and able to get out and about. We are so very fortunate that her surgery was a success and she will be able to return to this great sport, but having to face that kind of surgery just kind of put it all into perspective for our family. Don't take these young ladies for granted and ENJOY the time they are playing, as well as the time that you spend with them while they are not playing. Even if it is during a concert! ;)
Tracy, It was good to see your DD last night and how well she is doing, she is at least 2 inches taller after the surgery... good words of wisdom, thanks for your comments, good perspective.


Last fact, I will never apologize for my or our coaches intensity. That does not mean we are not consistantly working to improve upon and change for the better. So far this season we have 'lost' exactly ZERO 12u and under players from our teams since the start of the season in April. That is from 7 teams.. I may have missed 1 player (there are over 70 at 12u and down), but obviously things are not too bad.

It must be the comfort the girls get lugging their trophies home at the end of the weekend that keeps them on board... lol.

BTW: I thought you were out?

Ohh, I see, ends justifies the means....I'll have to remember that one. Let me just go ahead and pass that on to the daughters of today.
" Honey, it doesn't matter if your boss humiliates you every chance he gets, as long as you get some small token of achievement." I'll sleep better knowing that I've passed that on. Ty. :).

Lol, I should be out, but like a good dessert, I can't get enough.


:) hello welcome to Wal-Mart! I knew that was my future career


LOL.. now that is good... (the dessert part) ... no hard feelings, I just sent you a friend request .. honestly. I would rather banter with someone not afraid to express their opinion than post dribble.. (that is why I like Musty so much - shoots straight and hard - like it or not) - things tend to come around in FP - someday we may be both Wal*Marters - never say never!


Re: Addition by Subtraction (or I hate Justin Bieber?)

Tracy, It was good to see your DD last night and how well she is doing, she is at least 2 inches taller after the surgery... good words of wisdom, thanks for your comments, good perspective.

Saw Ben, but didnt see you.... and yes she is definately taller.... Im predicting 3 inches but we will see next week with the follow up appointment. Funny thing is, I think she is more graceful! She doesn't seem to be the "Scarecrow" that she use to be. I think that will definately change her speed and performance when she returns. Heck all with improve with proper balance. (I kinda sound like Howard there with the balance talk, huh?) But thanks.... glad you took it the way it was intended. You know me and I am FULLY committed when we join a team, but Im just not as intense with the DD as I was. :)


It is a compliment to be compared to the largest most successful retailer in the WORLD.

Save Money...Live Better......Wal*Mart. Keep shopping and help my stock.

And no one hit a nerve with me. Just baffled how some adults can make a promise and then break it with no remorse at all. AND teach that to your kids. Nice!

Don't join a team, promise to be at practices and games then break that promise with some bullshilt about they need to be kids. They needed to be kids when you made the promise. What they need is good role models in the adults around them that will teach them to live up to their promises and commitments. And if being a kids doesn't involve playing a lot of softball, don't do it. So frickin simple.


Nah, if Bower spends his remaining employed days working at Wal*Mart, it will be as assistant manager of the Sporting Goods section, where he can not only help kids pick out the right bats, but also work on their swings right there in the shopping aisle. :yahoo:

Dude, dont joke like that ! :eek:



I had to read this sentence twice because I thought you snuck one by the censors.:lmao:

Don't join a team, promise to be at practices and games then break that promise with some bullshilt about they need to be kids



I had to read this sentence twice because I thought you snuck one by the censors.:lmao:

Don't join a team, promise to be at practices and games then break that promise with some bullshilt about they need to be kids

Nice catch,when I read it I thought the same thing how did he get away with that? He must (no pun intented) have an in with someone.


Hmmm, I just though he was slamming cshilt.

His DD played for me a few years back and they always told me whenever we got hoodies or shirts with names on them....DON'T FORGET THE "L"!!!!!!



Cant believe this:eek: Hawks:confused: The Hawks:eek: The Ohio Hawks;& have this many Problems in Coaching:cool: Maybe just should have stuck with one or two teams instead of trying to be the Wallmart brand. JMO.. Just cause its cheaper, dont account for anything.. Knew it would just be time before parents and players saw what was going on with this. (

Kids at this age 12,10 give them a little break. Coach knows when kids will be missing, and he needs to make adjustments. Dont tell me they told you before and you didnt know? with all the people you know, u still had to start with 8? Ur Fault!! Not theirs!

Saw at one point you said you had 5-10 people applying on ur online thing?? Saw we had if not 6-8 people in one day from ur teams. LOL..


Hmmm, I just though he was slamming cshilt.

His DD played for me a few years back and they always told me whenever we got hoodies or shirts with names on them....DON'T FORGET THE "L"!!!!!!

The uniform this year has the last name printed on the side of the uniform. When she sits just right the T folds up to the I.


OK, Guys, I'm thinkin' that the Sheriff should definitely close this one down. These kinds of specific references to teams by name (for example, post #78) are almost always accompanied by virulent language, ad hominem attacks or snarky attempts to damage the other organization's reputation. When I first got into Ohio fastpitch, lo those many years ago, I hardly ever visited the OFC site because it was substantially composed of mud-slinging, somewhat wild accusations, and on-going feuds.

I'm all for the marketplace of information, but there is a difference between stating a fact about another team and using this forum to suggest unestablished facts or thump one's chest at the expense of criticizing another organization. Unfortunately, most of us can't pull off the "factual reporting" without driving our own personal agendas.

Do the DD's who read this forum a favor by leaving the personal attacks and unestablished facts for PM discourse.

Ten years ago OFC was NOT something that I would have wanted my DD to be reading. Let's not take it back there by letting our egos overwhelm the main purpose of this board, which is to support, promote, and improve Ohio fastpitch.



Cant believe this:eek: Hawks:confused: The Hawks:eek: The Ohio Hawks;& have this many Problems in Coaching:cool: Maybe just should have stuck with one or two teams instead of trying to be the Wallmart brand. JMO.. Just cause its cheaper, dont account for anything.. Knew it would just be time before parents and players saw what was going on with this. (

Kids at this age 12,10 give them a little break. Coach knows when kids will be missing, and he needs to make adjustments. Dont tell me they told you before and you didnt know? with all the people you know, u still had to start with 8? Ur Fault!! Not theirs!

Saw at one point you said you had 5-10 people applying on ur online thing?? Saw we had if not 6-8 people in one day from ur teams. LOL..

Why the sour grapes???

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