All Ohio Travels Coaches Have to be Morons



I'm going to steal Statman's soapbox for a minute.

If there is one thing I've learned from the OFC the past couple of years, it is that almost all travel coaches are morons. If you look back at the posts you will see that travel coaches can not evaluate talent whatsoever. We have example after example from parents where the coach continualy sets the best player on the team on the bench. The kid is easily the best hitter in everyone's eyes but the coach's. How than this be if he is not a moron. This carries through to pitcher's also. How can a coach who has technology and tools at his disposal not be able to see a pitcher's speed and movement of a 62 mph drop curve. The parents see it with there own eyes and yet he can't read a speed gun or see the movement while he is catching her on a bucket. Again, they have to be morons. And why is it that only father's of the worst players in the state become coaches. Daddy ball abounds on every team. I read about it every week. Why can't for once the father of a good player coach a team. We are in trouble in Ohio, no wonder we have all these issues. All of our coaches are morons.

I'm a coach, father and apparently a moron. Who else is a moron?


this is just as insane as the first time I read it. And I don't fit the profile of this particular type of moron. That's my 2 cents, doesn't get me much...


LMAO~not me....we went to PA.....LOL!!!!

(in case not known....I got the sarcasm and am replying in such a tone....)


yeah, bird I got your tone. I'm not sure Lester did. I would bet he is a moron and doesn't even know it.


I hear ya', buddy. I gave up my bucket seat in the dugout and now join the camp chair brigade on the fence line. I hear it all the time - "why isn't my daughter playing ________, or batting _______", etc...

There are 11 or 12 players on the team. Somebody has to sit - especially on Sunday. Parents; I know it seems impossible, but try looking objectively at the players and the talent - the lineup (brutal honesty here) is usually quite fair.

These "moron" coaches put the best team on the field. In most cases.


I didnt want to be a Moron, so I let my dds play for another. Different guy same season. They win, they loose, either way they got to do it. NOT THE COACH. With the blinders all DDs are one of the best 9. Just let the girls play because what happens is up to them anyway.


Count this moron in...I was dumb enough to implement some bench time because a player had attitude issues...It was later that I received a partcularly valuable piece of info...

If the player has the skills then she should never be out of the line-up for any reason.

I can tell you quite a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I dixcovered that.


OK....I know most of the time the coaches get ripped on on here pretty bad. But not all parents think their kid is the best in the world. Parents who see their kid for what she is are out there. We do exist. I do know that we are most likely out numbered by the ones who feel their daughter can do no wrong. But not non-exisistent.....


LMAO here as well .. it really is amazing what the parents see that the coaches don't... last season I would have the talk with the parent after pretty much every game. Finally I told them to come to the next practice and bring pen and paper. I then him asked to record ground balls caught / missed / bad throws and good throws - and to do the same with the 'starter' at that position all during infield practice. Same for hitting practice - swings and misses, hits, hits to the outfield, etc.

Afterwards we sat down and reviewed the data ... we did not get far when they stood up and said, they need to work with her during the week - what did they need to do? She made all the same mistakes in the games but until their wrote it down for themselves it was we saw / coach saw ....


(at the SA Meeting)

Hello, I am a little nervous to be at this meeting.....but eh....ummm... my name is tom and I Am A Moron...ummm...errr...but....hmmm.... I Am A bigger Moron than DD decided not to play this year and I coach anyway..... THERE I SAID IT!


Yea, winning is the only thing. We dont want to raise young ladys, or good members of society. We just need to win a 12 14 16 u tournament to get a 5 dollar medal or something, at all cost.

By the way both my DDs will sit if it is the best fot the TEAM, they will not like it but will.



Managers are exempted from this description - am I correct? ;&



Managers are exempted from this description - am I correct? ;&

HOPE SO -- I'm just the scorekeeper - I don't know anything :D

Now I just got to convince my wife that I'm not a MORON ;&


score keepers are the worst. Is it a hit or an error.(depends if your on O or D) The pitchers, SS first parent. Wow you guys and gals got it tough too.


Don't feel bad all the high school coaches are morons , so at least we won't get lonely!!
Wait I must be a triple moron, since I dumb enough to coach on three teams?


I didn't think that I am a moron, but dd insists that I am indeed a moron. Being a moron doesn't seem so bad, I "feel" happy (mostly) .... maybe it is just those that around a moron that don't feel happy though?

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