Anyone catch "Outside the Lines"?



speaking of noisemakers and such, on ESPN Sunday, I caught a tidbit of a commentary regarding cheers/organized cheers and on-field chatter during Little League Baseball (this was after the weather kept me inside at my brother-in-laws in Zanesville, rather than being at Riverside Park watching softball). the report was basically this:

should umpires/sanctioning bodies allow/prohibit organized cheers and on-field "chatter"? This league in Cincy/KY actually banned on-field banter/chatter and organized cheer for little league games! then, of course, they went through carious leagues and asked kids/parents/umps/coaches what they thought as well. I personally feel the need to ban on-field chatter/banter ("hey batter batter" and now, like those on my nephews 10u team all say "yep"--so annoying) is more prevelant in the boys game. they never did talk about girls softball (and why is that? because we EXPECT girls to scream and cheer? what is all THAT about?), but from all the tourneys this year, on-field banter doesn't seem to happen, BUT the organized cheers are audible from the parking lot.

this last weekend in Zanesville, we had a 16u coach with our team. I dont know what it was, but the girls (14u) finally didn't feel the need to cheer every inning. they were in the game and cheered when something good happened. And you know what? I actually didn't have a headache at the end of the game! (maybe this explains the dancing cat!)

So, what say you, OFCians? Ban cheers? Ban on-field chatter/banter? Is it unsportsmanlike? Is this just another way to "police" the kids? Are we under attack from the PC police? Let the kids cheer? Just wanted to get a dialogue going since softball is over and tryouts are right around the bend.


I have always felt that cheering went with the game of fastpitch. I am all for girls doing what ever they can to inspire their teammates. I do think there should be a line at addressing opposing players, coaches, umpires and parents in most situations, including chants. Doing this just antaganizes others in to doing or saying things that should not be present on the softball field.

So yes to cheering but no addressing batters, pitchers, players trying to make a play (i.e. catch a fly ball) or anything along those lines. That is my 2 cents


I believe that organized cheers amongst the players is okay for the kids and is expected by most. You will see the organized cheers dwindle as the girls get older. What I have a problem with and cannot understand why it happens - parents becoming cheerleaders for their daughters and actually conducting organized cheers in the stands. Also, what about those annoying horns and bells!! I believe most spectators who use the very loud horns and bells do so just to agitate opposing team spectators and does nothing for the players. Kids will be kids, but adults should draw the line somewhere - don't you think?


I think the kids should sit in dead silence like little stone statues on the bench until the coach calls on them. How dare these kids enjoy a game!! All that noise is really annoying - especially when you're in the bleachers trying to concentrating on reading about REAL sports in the sports section of the newspaper!! And don't get me going on those parents that do more than "golf claps"...


the report did talk/show some parents doing organized cheers from the side...most umps that were interviewed were okay just as long as the cheers werent in bad taste, and bad taste cheers, of ourse, are not going to be caught by ESPN cameras....


I saw the program. I disagree with the ban. There seem to be two forms of chatter. The first is the old one we grew up with where infielders simply chatter "Hey, batter, batter," or just general chatter encouraging the pitcher "Here we go two five, you're the man," and that type of thing. The new kind is the organized cheers, which I didn't know boys were also doing now. I think they look like sissies, but at least they're playing baseball.

The ban seems to be the result of chatter directed at the other team's players. If players were curusing and using derogatory names, that would be one thing. But that didn't seem to be the gist of it.

I think it's better left to each individual umpire to deal with it on a game-by-game basis. If a player in my era would have run crying to his coach because the other team was yelling things at him, he would have been booted right out of the dugout and endured some extra yelling. While some balance is probably necessary, I preferred the old way of just telling the kids to deal with it to the coddling that occurs now.


(where's my soapbox? oh there it is) Statman, I have to disagree with you on this one. When I was kid, chatter was a part of the game, especially if you pitched. If I would have complained about some kid on the other team that was bothering me and making me feel all yucky-wucky inside because he was chattering not so nice things about me, my dad (and coach) probably would have yanked me off the mound by my ear and told I can pitch again when I man-up. Come-on we are raising our kids in a cocoon. You don't have to partake in insulting cheers, you can be better than that. Use it as a learning-skin-thicken opportunity for your kid. They can see how not to act. If all else fails you can use my old method.

I was pitching in a game and the on deck batter was just going nuts. "Pitcher's off his rocker..." "We want a pitcher not a belly itcher" all of the classics. I looked at him and he just smiled. I smiled back and proceeded to put one right in his ribs. He didn't say a word the rest of the game. Ah, 12 year old baseball.


another clasic ringer post. ;D

I have been on the field with umpires in the past that have banned all cheers from the flip on. One ump said he had teams in the past that forfieted because of cheering and that was all we needed to hear. Granted the guy was about 70 years old and he wanted the kids to be seen and not heard. So that is what we did and the game was just as fun as any other


i guess i can only have me nephew as the worst example of player chatter, the little booger even does it while your playing kornhole, PS3, cards...i imagine him in school yelling "yep, yep, yep" while a kid is working on a math problem on the chalkboard....

girls dont do it much, which is what i said earlier...cheers are fine, but it is cool when there werent any

i didnt even realize i said to ban it..
but i will say this, you dont hear it much as the kids get older so let the little annoying kid be annoying kids, my son will be joining them in a few years starting with t-ball


Cheers can be annoying ::) With that being said, Some coaches insist that the kids cheer/chant. I have seen some girls 12u chant from the field hey batter batter swwing batter. However, last weekend was the first time the ump told them that they were not allowed to say swing or they would be benched. I personally don't care for the chants/screams that are aimed at the pitcher as she is releasing the ball. My daughter is pretty good at blocking them out though, she just pretends its mom or dad telling her to clean her room ;D she never hears that! Ringer, I thought the ball to the rib was for the batter after the home run hitter ;) Anyway kids will be kids let them have fun, that is why they are there, isn't it?


As far as parents cheering, what is so wrong with showing our kids we support them and trying to keep them pumped up? Our 12u girls have fun when the parents cheer. They laugh, because we look/sound pretty silly sometimes, and it lightens the mood on the field. I forgot the game is all about serious play and winning, not having fun!


If it's too loud, you're too old!! Applied as a teenager, and still applies today!!


The only cheering that really bugged me this year was an 11U team from a well known organization that screamed at the top of their lungs "The L... are here, the L... are here, right in our ears while we were trying to exit the dugout. It was very rude & very obnoxious. The could have waited until we exited the dugout instead of literally screaming in our ears at the top of their lungs.


This thread is a bit bazaar, including the fact that it was covered on "Outside the Lines". The whole idea of policing sports behavior is comical. It's common sense in a nutshell. Encouraging cheers for your team, by your team or fans shouldn't be regulated by ANYBODY, including umpires. Distracting, unsportsmanlike chants or cheering aimed at players or teams is just simply in poor taste. Why anybody would want to participate in that behavior is beyond me. I've followed travel ball for only about 7 years, and the negative cheering is extremely rare. It may be consistant for some teams, but rare none the less. I really can't imagine a team spending their energy on negative cheering or chants when they're getting whipped, so lay a whoopin ont them and enjoy the quiet. I don't think age has to have anything to do with it. Has anybody been to a Varsity Basketball or Football game in their life.
Quite frankly, I enjoy the National Anthem before sporting events, but I resent holding up the start of the game for the 20 minute reading of the sportsmanlike behavior rules aimed at the handful of idiots that seem to show up everywhere.


Thunder road brings up a good point. There are air horns, cowbells, drums whatever at varsity basketball and football games and this is from the parents sections. It's just one of those things like "why is fighting tolerated in the NHL but suspendable in the NBA for just leaving the bench area." What would happen to Tony Dungee if he came out on the field and chewed the ref out like Sweet Lou Pinella does to umps. Let the girls cheer, the coaches should set their own guidlines.

BTW, there is one thing that drives me nuts. It's the thing some teams do after a game that they won. They go over to the losing team's dugout and make a tunnel for the losers to walk through while chanting something like, "we are proud you, we are so proud of you...." Come on, win with class and lose with class.


Hellllllllloooooooo! Has anyone been to a college softball game???? I have yet to go to a college softball game and not hear noise from the players and the stands. It is expected and required with some programs!!

As an umpire, as long as it doesn't get personal it will be allowed! mho

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