Be aware not all teams in an organization are the same!!!!



Ditto! Very well stated. I want all the girls that play for us to have fond memories of it and not be bitter. They are kids after all, shouldn't it be about them?

You are correct sir however, it is VERY hard to please all and at the end of the season, I wonder how many teams there are where everyone on that team is happy! There usually are one or two families that feel they were slighted in playing time or they didn't get the position they feel they should of played. They don't understand that you can only play 9 and if you want in that 9 you MUST work at it. It is about the girls but it must also be about the TEAM. This thread started with a team picking up 3. rmcd5m never said if the 3 were needed or not just the 3 played and their DD didn't. The devil is in the details.


You are correct sir however, it is VERY hard to please all and at the end of the season, I wonder how many teams there are where everyone on that team is happy! There usually are one or two families that feel they were slighted in playing time or they didn't get the position they feel they should of played. They don't understand that you can only play 9 and if you want in that 9 you MUST work at it. It is about the girls but it must also be about the TEAM. This thread started with a team picking up 3. rmcd5m never said if the 3 were needed or not just the 3 played and their DD didn't. The devil is in the details.

I couldn't have said it better myself Dale!! :cool:


Ohio teams have to realize when other state's teams come to the Nationals... they are picking up as well. Now, that is the ASA/USA National event.

But, if I am going to the Eastern Regionals in ASA.... then give the girls a fond memory of the season. Go with the girls you have and enjoy. If you take a whipping.. so be it. My goodness.. it's 10u or 12u ball where fun and excitement is EVERYTHING to those age groups... And we all know taking a whipping builds character and the girls see how much hard work is ahead of them before next year if they want to compete.

That makes the player want to come back every year to play.. if you catch them while they are 8 years old and above and provide fun and excitement.. as well as the teaching of fundementals... you will fill your roster here in Ohio.

Problem is: Too many 10u parents are having bad experience some times.. Not all.. But, a lot of them do and they are gone and out of travel ball.

10u events either not going off or just low in numbers gives that bad experience to the "newbies" (parents). Especially cancelling motel rooms, etc... Mom and Dad's making sure they are off work.... THEN NOTHING !!!

The Circuit of Champions ( even though we was late putting it out this past year) can work to make a change in that department. It can offer teams a chance to KNOW a tournament is going to go off and not be cancelled due to lack of numbers.. the DD's and their parents get the "big" tournament excitement.. and thus we promote the game starting young... at that critical age.

Our thing with the Circuit... is we have to get the Columbus events in the Circuit and have three events in Ohio each weekend (instead of two).. to save those parents money from not having to travel so much !!!!

We are tweeking it as we speak... and hope for the 2011 season.. that it will go off as planned.


And now, back to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

Sorry Quakerman, I felt like I just watched a commercial. :D


And now, back to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

Sorry Quakerman, I felt like I just watched a commercial. :D

:lmao::lmao::lmao: That was a shameless plug if i have ever heard one...


Waiting for Coop to add his post about the Poker event in Portsmouth... and then I will know the world is alright today ;)


:lmao::lmao::lmao: That was a shameless plug if i have ever heard one...

Not a plug... just facts as I see them. I ask and talk to parents at 10u and 12u more than any other age group and that is their complaints.

They have seen more "rec" events go off with MORE teams and the girls seem to have had more fun at those events versus one that has 4 or 5. Excitement is the KEY to it all.

Just saying. I do my market research by asking parents.


True, which is why it is important to set down the mission and philosophy of the team in the beginning.

I have no problem with teams whose mission is to win at all costs, and do whatever it takes to win each tournament. It is not our philosophy (today), but we do wish to win every game we play, and we do win quite a few of them, even with a full commitment to the girls who "brung" us (from one end of the roster to the other). My dd played for a team for a few years that would do anything to win, and they did ... they even told us at the beginning that they cut the bottom two EVERY year and add new players, so "produce" or hit the road Jack (we had to think about that). Turned out to be two of the most enjoyable years we had, even though it is not our style now ... because we were prepared for how it was going to be, and we bought in, ... and it played out as expected, including picking up players for Nationals.

That's all fine. But the "OP" appears to have not gotten the memo.

It's really not about the specific philosophy as much, I suppose in retrospect, as it is about communicating and living with the commitments and understandings that are established on Day 1.

No right or wrong, just different flavors, but hopefully the labeling is clear and accurate.

You are correct sir however, it is VERY hard to please all and at the end of the season, I wonder how many teams there are where everyone on that team is happy! There usually are one or two families that feel they were slighted in playing time or they didn't get the position they feel they should of played. They don't understand that you can only play 9 and if you want in that 9 you MUST work at it. It is about the girls but it must also be about the TEAM. This thread started with a team picking up 3. rmcd5m never said if the 3 were needed or not just the 3 played and their DD didn't. The devil is in the details.


It's just a shame that coaches sometimes get exactly what they want and still go 0-7.;& We always talk about players thinking the grass is greener but some times coaches fall into that same trap.


interested reading. there are lots of approaches/ ways to do things . Hard time for coaches and parents. Our team fell into a situation where we pretty much had to pick up kids to be able to attend. (can't go with 9) . We lost our 1st round game to a cali team with 16 kids on the roster. Very tough call -- I like the point made that there is some loyality to the TEAM to be able to compete. You can't insert a girl who isn't able to play a certain position (pick one) into that position just because she is your #9 or # 10 player. very tough call. no easy answers.

heres an example , say due to inj you are down to one catcher . Inj occurs week or two prior to nats. you have 10 on your roster. But no one to back up the catcher . So you pick up a catcher. Pick up catcher ends up catching/batting/pinch running more than the 10th kid on the team . Is that unfair to the # 10 kid that may be sitting ? Do you play her just because she has been there all year ? What if playing her DEFINETLY lowers your chances of winning ? would that be fair to the other 9 ? really I don't know.


interested reading. there are lots of approaches/ ways to do things . Hard time for coaches and parents. Our team fell into a situation where we pretty much had to pick up kids to be able to attend. (can't go with 9) . We lost our 1st round game to a cali team with 16 kids on the roster. Very tough call -- I like the point made that there is some loyality to the TEAM to be able to compete. You can't insert a girl who isn't able to play a certain position (pick one) into that position just because she is your #9 or # 10 player. very tough call. no easy answers.

heres an example , say due to inj you are down to one catcher . Inj occurs week or two prior to nats. you have 10 on your roster. But no one to back up the catcher . So you pick up a catcher. Pick up catcher ends up catching/batting/pinch running more than the 10th kid on the team . Is that unfair to the # 10 kid that may be sitting ? Do you play her just because she has been there all year ? What if playing her DEFINETLY lowers your chances of winning ? would that be fair to the other 9 ? really I don't know.

Thats definately fair JMHO.


heres an example , say due to inj you are down to one catcher . Inj occurs week or two prior to nats. you have 10 on your roster. But no one to back up the catcher . So you pick up a catcher. Pick up catcher ends up catching/batting/pinch running more than the 10th kid on the team . Is that unfair to the # 10 kid that may be sitting ? Do you play her just because she has been there all year ? What if playing her DEFINETLY lowers your chances of winning ? would that be fair to the other 9 ? really I don't know.

Take the emotions out of it and play the game. If sue wasn't inj, would #10 play? If no then so be it. If yes, then the extra player needs to know that up front. You will get limited time but some time. Know your roll on the team and do your best at that roll.


It's just a shame that coaches sometimes get exactly what they want and still go 0-7.;& We always talk about players thinking the grass is greener but some times coaches fall into that same trap.



MD-my personal opinion is you pick-up and play based on area of need, and if you need that catcher, then get her and play her. Beleive me I have thought more about team loyalty versus common sense this year than I ever have in my life (PM if you are curious..) If that 10th player is your 4th outfielder then a rational and reasonable parent should understand the reason for disparate treatment..Oops., I used the "r" words again.....Now if you were set at catcher and picked up a 5th outfielder... We would have issues.


We can't always be magicians as much as you'd like us to be. Coaches aren't issued a magic wand to wave over a player and give them talent and ability.

When you have 3 injuries in a year and you only start with 11, that is cause for picking up 2 players. If they are on your roster for the rest of the year, why not play them? The girls we added were a wonderful addition to our team and they ALL did a great job. We don't always judge the success of our season on wins and loses, especially if when we are an 11U team with many players that were new to travel ball. Everyone on our team had a great time, learned a ton, and won some games. It was a successful season in my book and I couldn't be prouder of all the girls. 0-7 or 7-0, we had some awesome hits, some plays they made up on their own and executed, and some hard fought games...we had a good tournament and played hard to the end. Great job to all the ladies at Zanesville, GREAT competition!!


We can't always be magicians as much as you'd like us to be. Coaches aren't issued a magic wand to wave over a player and give them talent and ability.

You mean you missed the meeting when they issued magic wands? :lmao:


this time of year there are alot of people in " I don'y envy them" spots.

I told my kid at between age 11 and 12 --OK --you want to play "big time" out of town ball . Heres the scoop ---you hit , you play , you slump you sit. You are def' one of the top 3 OFer's you play, you don't hit and the other OFer's are just as good as you --you sit. you must work hard to stay ahead. MD


It's been addressed on here many times ... the younger ages seem to be about winning, conquest, making a name, bragging rights, etc. While the older ages are more about showcase, experience, development, etc.

When someone plunks down their $600.00, and loads up their Visa over the summer for another $2-3000.00 in bats, shoes, gloves, pre-wrap, fuel, hotels, pizza, and margueritas .... they deserve to get their money's worth in playing time, development, ... and commitment (both ways).

Okay, that is just a single independent philosophy .... but what are teaching here? What is the end goal? How will you feel when you look yourself in the mirror when you are 80? What did you really accomplish? A 12u trophy, or impacting those that commited to you? And not talking about your dd, only, lol.

As a coach, why do you do this? What is your mission, really? How do you wish to be remembered by those you led?

Think about it ...... ;&

I agree with 99% of this post with the exception of paying a players fee (and associated costs) equates to equal playing time. I am of the thought that paying a players fee gets you a spot on the roster, but the girl's ability, work ethic, and attitude gets them a spot on the field. If a parent wants to throw around huge cash for top of the line equipment, get used equipment instead and get quality private instruction with the money saved. It will be money well spent. ....but never, ever skimp on the margaritas!:D

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