Butch Reynolds Speed Clinic at Field of Dreams in Lancaster 12/14. Learn from a former world record



We have all seen that runner who runs with duck feet, or pigeon-toed, or she slams her flat feet hard into the dirt essentially hitting the BRAKES with every step. That is NOT the way to run quickly.You read this correctly, Butch Reynolds, former OSU track star, former olympic gold medalist, the man who at one time was the FASTEST MAN IN THE WORLD is coming to Field of Dreams in Lancaster to work with your girls to simply make them faster.
We teach our kids how to hit. We teach them how to catch, slide, play infield, how to manage the game. BUT, there is one other extremely important part of this game that gets overlooked the most & that is running. Most plays in this game are over in less than 4 seconds. That's it! 4 seconds. You have all seen that lefty slapper lead off hitter for the XYZ team with lightning speed.....most of your kids could be that quick, if they knew how to run properly!
If your players can get from home to 1B out of the box in 3.2 versus 3.5 seconds, do you know what this means? Do the math on this. It's 2-3 steps! THREE STEPS. That is the difference between out & safe on many plays at 1B. Trust me...I'm an umpire...I can attest for the amount of bang-bang plays there are. Well how would you like to tip those plays in your favor? Turn that bang bang play into the play where your runner was safe by two steps instead of hope & a prayer that the umpire swings the call in your favor.
I have witnessed Butch work with athletes. In fact, I had Butch work with my own team last year. It was amazing. So few players this age have actually been taught HOW to run.
He will.
He will work on developing their form...he will perfect their technique. He will give them drills and tips to do to help develop those small, but powerful stabilizer muscles and teach your players how to maximize their efficiency when running.

Butch will hammer these details home and send your young athlete home after a powerful and explosive one hour workout.
The price is ridiculous. Only $15 for a one hour Speed Clinic with a former world record holder.

Registration forms are available at Field of Dreams, 731 Slocum St in Lancaster. A flyer and registration form may be downloaded from our website and Facebook page after tomorrow. Field of Dreams Practice Facility and Training Academy www.facebook.com/fieldofdreamsohio

In order to maximize your players' time spent with Butch, we are capping this Speed Clinic to the first 15 athletes per age division.
10 & under
14 +
Times of the age divisions to be determined, but we know for sure we will start the first clinic at 9 AM! The first 15 people will secure their spots in each age group. Preregistration and payment is required to secure your spot in this clinic. For more information, visit our Facebook page or our website or you can call/text me at 740-503-7563, or e-mail fieldofdreams2013@att.net. Stop giving the opposing catchers the advantage. Take the advantage on the base path yourself!

The attached picture is of Butch at one of the training sessions he performed for my team last year. I didn't want to upload the entire video, because then you wouldn't feel the need to come to the clinic. :lmao:
View attachment 1410

See you on December 14th!


This clinic is only two days away. I didn't feel like I needed to TTT this clinic.
As of Thursday evening, there are 2 spaces left in the 11U session, 5 in the 12-14U session and 10 spaces in the 15 + session.
Tomorrow is the last day to preregister.
This is promising to be fantastic!
740-653-3463 (Field of Dreams)
Field of Dreams Practice Facility and Training Academy
740-503-7563 cell