Hitting lessons by Aimee Bassett Akron area



Currently giving hitting lessons to fastpitch softball players at the new Hofstetter Hitting Academy in Wadsworth.

See website below for more information/contact info.


Current available times are Tues and Thurs 7:30-9:30 p.m., Sat 2:30-4:30, and Sun 9-10 a.m.

'Basically' teach the RIGHT VIEW PRO(RVP) hitting method (back load, forward linear/toe-touch/heel plant, rear leg drive, slot, contact, extension, rotation, follow through, etc,) used by Arizona, UCLA, etc,.

RVP technique learned at young age from a former NPF player, which led to a highly successful hitting career.

Or, if you have a player(youth, HS, college) who is struggling and can't seem to figure out why, or who just wants to see where they are, a one time swing assessment can be performed, to identify possible causes, assess strengths/weaknesses, and help suggest an action plan if desired.

This is one of the best times to work on a swing (off-season) and build muscle memory, for coaches want to avoid, 'if at all possible', having players make major 'swing adjustments' or be 'thinking about' their swing during the season(s), for many reasons.

e-mail aimeeb@wadsnet.com

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