It's easy to complain, but......



Many times I get on here and read about peoples complaints that run from TD's to umpires, and from facilities to weather. All in all, I have to say that I am impressed with the show the NSA has put on this week.

Say what you will about fees, and other organizations strong points in comparison. Argue that the competition is better or worse here or there, or that scouts do or don't show up. This is a huge undertaking, and I think too often we get caught up in LOOKING for things to complain about, (guilty at times) instead of looking for positives. (How about temporary fencing on every field???)

I guess what I am trying to say is, if you spend all your time picking apart every detail, that may not be within their control, (there was the part pit-bull that wandered onto our field on day 1 and attempted to take a bite out of my catcher), you may just miss the best parts of the show that the NSA has worked so hard to put on.

Thanks for the hard work, it's been a great experience so far..........Go Crush!!!!!!

Bob Earle
Ohio Crush


Yeah, I would generally agree. The temporary fences are great. I don't like time limits, but at least with 90 minutes you get in at least six innings and usually seven. Good selection of food vendors and I like that the city is not trying to keep us from parking on the grass and other areas it would not normally allow.

I'd give it a B overall, with having the 18s at a different park and the high cost of passes being the things dragging it down to that B.