not brought up to V? WHY NOT????



i have posted threads on here before and this is my next one. My daughter was Varsity last year and THIS year she is NOT. Not only is she not Varsity but when the V has injuryes or girls not able to be there they still dont call my daughter up!! They are calling up a freshman or some girl who never played V. What is going on here?


Don't suppose your daughter has asked the coach why she's not being considered?


Without more info I dont see how anybody here could answer your question. Not trying to be offensive just advising any answer would be pure speculation. As Bear suggests first person to be asked should be the coach. Good Luck


I don't know you or your situation but you asked, so heres my 2 cents worth. Positions are earned, they are not given to anybody, I would say that someone has out worked your daughter and took her position. Instead of asking on here what she should do, tell her she needs to work harder and earn the spot back, neither you or her would be happy if a coach just handed out starting spots because it was hers last year. I know from experience, questioning a coach about playing time is the final nail in the coffin. Just encourage her to continue to work hard and make an impression that she is willing to work hard to get her spot back. Don't let her or yourself become a cancer to the team, or everybody loses. Again, just my 2 cents worth.


Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to a coaches decision -- when viewed from the outside. Our HS coach has started a girl on varsity one day and have her on JV the next. I don't think he thinks about any of the girls confidence factor except his starters. He has continued to start girls (more than one position) that have played for two years even through 1 for 16 types of slumps. The coach seems to have concentrated on only 11 or 12 players. The others are afterthoughts.

That being said, I agree that your DD needs to talk to the coach first. My experience is that my DD doesn't hear everything the coach says and the coach doesn't hear everyting my DD says so I follow-up with the coach to get both sides of the conversation. I want to help her interpret his message and help her with her response/actions. He appreciates that much more than when a parent initiates the conversation.

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