OFC Forum Upgrade 2 Vbulletin !



PLEASE HELP YOUR - SELF OUT BEFORE THE CHANGE TAKE PLACE ! In order to help reduce the problem you could run into after the changes.

Just wanted to give everyone a head up TheBearMay and I are working at change the Forum over to Vbulletin as I post these message.

The present forum software just won't keep up with the High rate of traffic we are seeing at OFC. I will have to say that in 2008 Ohio Fastpitch Connection has really pick up the traffic.

For the most part it shouldn't effect OFC-Forum, I'm not saying that we may not run into some little problems but for the most part at least on this side the only thing you should see is a New Forum.

[highlight]How to protect your - self or information you need.[/highlight]

1.) Write down your user name and password some place for safe keeping.
2.) Clean out your (PM) Box. And save them Messages you want in a safe place.
Note * Not sure if we will be able to keep your (PM) presents messages. I hope we can
but not 100% sure.

3.) Any Avtar that you want to keep as your save them on your computer so you can place them back up once we make the change.

This change will take place with-in at least one week or two weeks at the most.

I think one we make this change we will be good to go ! For some time.. Since Vbulletin is the #number 1 forum software out there.

God Bless
Ricky Ray Moorehead

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