Pedophiles at tournaments



A word of caution to Parents and Grandparents. Yesterday at the Phoenix Summer Slam, a woman approached a group of young children at Martens Field. She told them she had lost a $100 bill in the woods and would like to have them help her find it. She specifically asked the young boys to help her. The children ran to tell their parents and the woman disappeared.

Predators are everywhere and the softball community is not immune to it. We must be vigilant when it comes to the safety of our children.


That is why I don't like how OFC lets people use this site anonymously. Prev's could use OFC to learn about our kids or even strike up a relationship. OFC should make everyone confirm who they are and what their connection to fastpitch is. If this site is about the kids lets do what we can to protect our kids! If they have no kids playing they should have to be approved after careful scrutiny. Doesn't OFC expose themselves to some liability if a kid is abused or abducted after the criminal anonymously uses this site to perpetuate their crime?

Glad those kids are alright.


Doesn't OFC expose themselves to some liability if a kid is abused or abducted after the criminal anonymously uses this site to perpetuate their crime?

Its pretty well known in the website hosting arenas that the owner of the site, (in this case OFC) is not the owner of the content hosted on their website therefore is not liable.

Web hosts normally do what they can to prevent anonymous users but in this day and age, it's practically impossible to verify who is who.....


That is why I don't like how OFC lets people use this site anonymously. Prev's could use OFC to learn about our kids or even strike up a relationship. OFC should make everyone confirm who they are and what their connection to fastpitch is. If this site is about the kids lets do what we can to protect our kids! If they have no kids playing they should have to be approved after careful scrutiny. Doesn't OFC expose themselves to some liability if a kid is abused or abducted after the criminal anonymously uses this site to perpetuate their crime?

Glad those kids are alright.

Let's slow down a minute here. I am all for keeping children safe. But, this is a site for the entire softball community. Parents, grandparents, coaches (any level), Tournament officials, and kids (with their parents supervision) use this site for its intended purpose. If you wanted to remove adults who do not have kids playing softball, then you would have to start with the founder, Ricky Morehead. Then there is Johnnies.

There are many OFC members who have no children associated with softball anymore but are in softball for the love of the game and for the kids. A shotgun approach will not work. To add more restrictions will just bring the forum down. Just who do you want to conduct this "careful scrutiny"? Who will pay for the time and expense to conduct this "careful scrutiny"?

The moderators do a good job of keeping things in line on the forum. They cannot be held responsible for ensuring that each and every member is on the "up and up". That resposibility lies with parental supervision of their own kids.

In the situation at Martens park, the kids did what their parents had taught them and a tragedy was averted. Yes, we need to keep alert at all times for our children's well-being but let's not put restrictions where they are not needed.


They could be verified if we really wanted to. Have every member list the team they are associated with and have it displayed in the upper right hand corner, like I do (look up). The site would probably self police itself. I'm sure there are other ways. I would think if you anonymously provide a medium to reach minors without the due diligence to screen them you could have some liability. I wouldn't want to risk that jury. Not sure. Thankfully I don't know much about liability law.


I specifically witnessed this event and go to tell you that this woman could no way have been on OFC stalking any of our tournament information. I believe she was from the area and happened upon the tournament. I am glad to be in the softball world, it seems we all kind of look out for everyone at tournaments, especially the younger siblings that want to play on the playground. Thanks to everyone that helped keep an eye on the playground yesterday!


I specifically witnessed this event and go to tell you that this woman could no way have been on OFC stalking any of our tournament information. I believe she was from the area and happened upon the tournament. I am glad to be in the softball world, it seems we all kind of look out for everyone at tournaments, especially the younger siblings that want to play on the playground. Thanks to everyone that helped keep an eye on the playground yesterday!

Supermom, do you know if anyone contacted the police to let them know what went on?


I'm all for non current parents to players being here. I just think that if they sign up while that is the case it should be explained. Also not sure this is all that big a deal. I don't know if many kids actually use OFC. Mine won't. If she did she would know better then to get to close to a online stranger as we have discussed it many times.


OFC - Forum could have "Paid Membership, Subscriptions" that one way you could get correct information on every member since they have to use a Credit Card or send in a check to join.

And instead of a screen name, use your Real Name.

But I don't really care for that as I like OFC being free for members to use.

I would also say that OFC - Forum even with allot of people using the site, if we went to "Paid Membership, Subscriptions" the site would not have many members willing to pay to use OFC - Ohio Fastpitch Connection.

We have talk about going to "Paid Membership, Subscriptions" before, I decided that as long as we have sponsors for the site, and the Tournament we host bring in the funds to pay the bills with OFC. WILL KEEP IT FREE !!!!

God Bless
Ricky Moorehead


Free is good! Like I said, I think this was a freak occurance and this woman just happened upon the tournament. We just need to make sure our kids are well informed on what they do if a strange person talks to them or trys to take them somewhere. I think we all just need to be aware at tournaments. Also, in seeing this woman, I don't believe she had a computer or even had ever seen $100 in her life. Just my opinion.


Bluntly, it is not the job of OFC, teachers, or anyone else to assume the role of the parent.

If you think someone can stalk your kid on OFC, then don't let your kid use OFC - or only let them use it with your supervision. By the way, the same goes for e-mail, Facebook, MySpace, online kids games, and general web browsing.

There are plenty of internet access management programs that can restrict usage. Buy them and use them.

Train your kids to react to unusual requests just like the kids at this tournament reacted. They are your kids.


Here's a thought: Keep an eye on your children and teach them to be wary of strangers with strange stories-- just as those children were. There are hundreds of venues that you visit (movies, malls, theme parks, etc) where you would not allow your kids to roam free. Why would a softball tournament be any different? Stay vigilent. As for this forum-- predators would not need a softball forum to do their research.


Good job to the kids who reported this incident to their parents. It would have been nice if the incident had been reported to the police as there are kids playing softball at that park every evening.
I am local and have had kids playing at that park every summer for many years and have never had a problem, but I've also been told there are homeless in that area and have warned our kids to be extra careful and the obvious "don't talk to strangers".

As for OFC - I agree with sideliner - it's the parents job to teach and parent their children and to be responsible for them. Don't let them run loose in an unfamiliar environment - if they are old enough to be playing at a playground - check on them regularly or make them check in with you on a regular basis. I know I have probably been guilty of being too complacent at times - and this will be my wake-up call to watch her closer.


But isn't it nice that someone posted a warning about this situation? Flip side of the coin. :cool:


Good job to the kids who reported this incident to their parents. It would have been nice if the incident had been reported to the police as there are kids playing softball at that park every evening.
I am local and have had kids playing at that park every summer for many years and have never had a problem, but I've also been told there are homeless in that area and have warned our kids to be extra careful and the obvious "don't talk to strangers".

As for OFC - I agree with sideliner - it's the parents job to teach and parent their children and to be responsible for them. Don't let them run loose in an unfamiliar environment - if they are old enough to be playing at a playground - check on them regularly or make them check in with you on a regular basis. I know I have probably been guilty of being too complacent at times - and this will be my wake-up call to watch her closer.

Just for your info - this was a white woman in her mid to late 20's and did have 3 boys with her.


Scary that she had children with her....I wonder if they were her own? Wow. I agree it is our place as a parent to make sure our children are safe. I am what my kids and other people I have talked to think is an over protective parent. I know we cannot protect them from everything but we can avoid putting them into situations that would make them more vulnerable. My 8 yr old is rarely allowed away from my side at tournaments. My 11 yo has just started to experience slight freedom, with a friend of course. I have been at several tournaments where children, way younger than mine have been no where in the area of their parents....We are talking on the other side of a huge park across several parking areas. I just wish all parents understood the risks. If you are not going to parent your chld then please don't have any or don't take them with you if you aren't going to do your job. The same with the internet. I "police" everything my kids do online. Not every minute but on a daily basis. Both the older ones had myspace but are limited as to who they can accept as friends. It sounds like those kids were well informed by their parents and they listened very well.


It really just reinforces the need to know where your kids are @ all time, it is not unusual to go to any big tourney and see the little sibs running wild with just each other...hopefully they are kept close to the team but frequently you see they several fields away as mom and dad watch big sis..I know as a team "family" we all as adults try to keep track of the little ones but sometime it just seems like they get "forgotten" once the games start......


I would ask that anyone witnessing this event to please take a moment and email the parks dept at We have over 70 girls playing there on any evening of the week and most weekends. I contacted the prez of the LGSA today and he was going to let the police know of this incident. We need to keep our kids safe!

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