Seperation of ages in divisions?



Just a topic for conversation. What is everyones thoughts on the year of the ball players seperating them in a organization. examples you have a organization with 96 team and a 95 team. I know most every team likes to keep the teams together to build each year, thus keeping the ages together. What if you have a very good ball player on the younger team that could help out the older team and the parent doesnt mind moving her up, do you do it. I was wondering are organizations better off going to A teams and B teams. The only reason I ask is example. IF Katy plays second and loves that position but cannot beat out the A ball player would it be a better fit to put her on the B team in that position and have more playing time at that position, so that some day she may be better then the A player. Wouldnt the A to B teams make the organization stronger? Just wondering, your thoughts?


In my opinion, keeping them together by age benefits everyone involved. They truly learn to function as a team/family. And if Katy loves 2nd base, she should work to become the better 2nd baseman. Or else, become an indispensable (insert other position here).


There are some kids that can and do benefit by playing up. It has been done in the past because some kids need to be continually challenged or they digress in their skills.


The year designation for the most part states the oldest age that can play on the team. We've always had a few girls who are playing up. But we are very hesitant to take an older girl (for instance, this year Buckeye Heat 95 could have a 94 player on the roster) because that means the older girl will have to look for another team the following year. And we will have to look for her replacement that following year. Not at all fair to the older girl and somewhat inconvenient for us.


I have one daughter who plays for a 93 (Lasers White) team and one that plays for a 96 (Lasers Black). The 93 team has on occassion taken an older player. The problem has been seeing them go at the end of the year! One particular player told the coach she would go somewhere else for ONE year, and she'd be back at his tryout the following year and he'd have to tell her no! It was hilarious. I guess a lot depends on the team needs, if an older girl fits the bill and understands it's only for a year, it can certainly help.


I guess it would literally be on the girl's talents AND her position.


SoCal teams rarely have a year designation beyond 14U - they're usually just 16U, 18U or 18-Gold. A player's ability and parents' egos largely determine how they advance through the older age groups rather than just their birthdate.


we like "age specificity" in general at the 11u-14u. Beyond that is as others stated... talent, family flexibilty, and basic common sense.

Every situation has to be evaluated but I'd say 90+% of our younger teams have been one age. At least Kavin and my team has been and we are setting that standard for our 11u this year as well. 10u... that's another challenge...

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