Pitching and Pitchers Discussion Shin Splints



It sounds like a lot of pitching to me. How many pitches is she throwing? It is my experience that they need to stay under 90ish.

And her body does need rest.

Any problems that will occur due to over work, might be years down the road. At this point, though, her legs are saying "enough."


Newtson, unfortunately (and I hope I don't get some backlash for this). I do think she is throwing way too many pitches in a game with the freshman team. Not by any fault of her own, but by an error prone defense. I think in a game the other day there was 8 errors in one inning alone..thanks for pointing that out, I seriously hadn't thought of that. I think I am going to start taking my pitch counter with me to keep track.
Again, I appreciate all of the comments, they are helpful! :)


i used to have shin splits in high school, that was a long time ago. with no real advice how to get rid of them, i would just keep trying different shoes. my friends and i had worn all about the same size. after a couple of pair i would find something that worked and would go buy some. back then and still today shoes where bought from kmart, hills, and as years went by walmart. the right pair of shoes really did help. seemed to solve the problem.

about 10 years ago i started having them again, nothing seemed to work. i also started having siatic nerve pain, that included lower back and leg pain. i went to a foot doctor and he made me stand straight and tall, layed me back on the table, did a few little movements and pulled my legs straight. told me i had one leg shorter than the other and needed more arch support. he cut and shaped me a piece of cork about an 1/8th inch thick said keep this in every shoe i wear, and to this day i have no problems. i'm able to spend long days and weekends at the tournaments and enjoy watching ball and i very rarely sit down.:cap:


I developed them for the first time in my life 3 years ago. I will tell you that 30 seconds of stretching absolutely eliminated them. The "stretch" had to be focused to the exact area that hurt or the stretch was useless. Once I figured that out...off to the races and never experienced it again!!! Took about 3 different stretch routines for me to figure out the cure.


I developed them for the first time in my life 3 years ago. I will tell you that 30 seconds of stretching absolutely eliminated them. The "stretch" had to be focused to the exact area that hurt or the stretch was useless. Once I figured that out...off to the races and never experienced it again!!! Took about 3 different stretch routines for me to figure out the cure.

When our Son was playing ball I kept Dixie cups of water frozen in the fridge and in the cooler.

You can peel back the Dixie cup and still hold onto the cup and rub it down the shin and it conforms to the contour of the leg quickly.

Also helped to reduce swelling of local areas faster to keep the swelling down, kind of like what they do on a boxer between rounds.



Wow, what a great idea, hitter. I bought her the shin splint supports at MC Sports and she takes ibuprofin before games. We are also working on a nice stretching workout before she gets going. She has a doctor appointment in the morning.
I appreciate all the feedback!