Sportsmanship? Fair Play? CLass?



My daughter plays for the SGS Magic. I'm telling you this so as not hide anything from anyone. In the Toledo Tune Up, our tournament, we had occasion to win against the **********,whose coach saw fit to approach one of our girls at the end of the game to tell her that we suck! Fortunately, the ump heard the comments he made and took action to hopefully ban him! This past weekend we played in the West Liberty tournament in Troy, Ohio. The most poorly display of tournament play that I have ever seen!!!! Begining with the ******* parents who saw fit to call pitch location for their girls from in the stands behind home plate. Totally classless!! To the obvious seeding advantage that the ***** **** **** *** gave themselves!!! Add that to several coaches who could not control themselves and had to be tossed out. Granted, the umps who should have retired years ago. They obviously did their best to rush the games so they could get out of the heat. Still no excuse to show your kids that winning must come at all costs. Even to the extent of no sportsmanship or the lack of class that was exhibited by so many of the people involved. I hope our coaches look elsewhere next year, becuase I know that this is definitely not what I want my daughter to learn!!!!!!

[edit]Team Names removed - TheBearMay[/edit]


jck I too had a team at the Troy tournament. I have to agree that it was one of the worst officiating groups I have ever seen. I had heard that some of the coaches had been thrown out and I believe it was by the same umpiring crew each time. I did not see what happened, but did get a taste of their umpiring. There was a play where the third base player blocked the bag from my player sliding in. I looked to the umpire for the obstruction sign, but did not see it. I immediately called out that there was an obstruction. The umpire did call the runner safe (because she was), but then proceeded to threaten me that if I questioned another call that I would be kicked out. It is obvious that umpires need to go back to school and learn the obstruction rule. One of our other games, my runner was called out for obstruction with the second baseman. The second baseman fielded the ball cleanly and attempted to reach back behind her to tag out the runner. The fielder's elbow made contact with the runner but not the ball. The runner was called safe by the base umpire. The opposing coach came out to argue that his fielder had indeed tagged her out. A meeting between the two umpires resulted in my runner being called out for obstruction. The reasoning was because there was contact between the runner and fielder. We don't play rec ball where high school girls umpire the games. We pay good money for these tournaments and with that comes the responsibility to hire umpires that know what they doing. Sorry! had to vent my frustration over a long miserable weekend.


jckpinesvge-which ****** *********** age bracket was this? 12U A bracket, 14U B bracket or 14U A bracket

[edit]Team Names Removed - TheBearMay[/edit]


We also had a team in the Troy tournament 14u and totally agree with the umpiring being the worst we've seen. 1 game the field umpire and the plate umpire made 2 diffrent calls. we were watching the field umpire because it was his call on 1st base. he said out. so we stopped the play with that being our 3rd out. the plate umpire siad she was safe and over ruled the field ump. so the run that came in counted which we would of threw home if it was not an out. ( this was the father and son team). next game son was gone but dad's strike zone was so bad and inconsistant my girls had no choice than to swing at pitcher wasn't getting the same strike zone.
We didn't see any bad sportsmanship very good competetion.


if you have a team that uses shady tactics, cheats and causes trouble, why not let everone know who it is? so that we all know what team it is and what we're dealing with before playing them. i personaly don't like cheaters and trouble making coaches or parents! LET THE GIRLS PLAY BALL!!!!!!!!!!! if coaches and parents are made known to everone (including umpires) maybe they'll change or stop there stupidity!


Next time I'd suggest you use a real email address in your profile, before drawing attention to yourself....


Your intimidation tatics are useless here bear. And your obviously lying when you claim that people can post anything here.This is America where freedom of speech still rules! That was my e-mail address when I first posted on this site. But I don't need your bull,so don't think your going to get my current address so you can further your small minded censorship of people.


wasn't this a Gandhi quote?

come on Bear, you gonna take that from a trial member! :D


Statman Ray said:
wasn't this a Gandhi quote?

come on Bear, you gonna take that from a trial member! :D
It's like dealing with your children, sometimes it's just easier to say "because I said so", than to attempt to explain something to a closed mind.


i love this place!!! lol
we also went to toledo and played "up"....had one complaint about an umpire but that was mostly because of the white socks with the black shoe thing. it just ain't right.


My team (Central Ohio Lady Blaze - Green) is currently playing in the Whitehall Classic Tournament and our Saturday afternoon game sounds like it could have been at the other tournaments mentioned in this thread. We played a team that we know quite well, their head coach and I started a softball program together,in Reynoldsburg Ohio several years ago, We are both with different programs now and I still think very highly of him. Some of the parents and players on that team however should get a clue about sportsmanship and class.
?We took rude comments from both, the whole game. It got so bad that the umpires warned them about their rudeness, but it didn't change. Unfortuneatly, our girls let them get inside their heads with their constant heckeling and we couldn't play our game. I don't make any excuses for the way we played, we need to be mentally strong enough to overcome stupid comments by rude parents and their kids. We lost 4-0 against this team (last year, we eliminated this same team from this tournament).
We took away something better from this game, despite of the loss. ?In the fourth inning, the base umpire walked up to me and told me that we were conducting ourselves with class, in spite of how the idiots on the other side were acting. In the fifth inning, she said that she felt like she was umpireing the NCAA World Series, based on the comments from the other side of the diamond. Both of these umpires approached several of our players and parents after the game and also commended them for their good conduct, sportsmanship and class. After the game, we went out and gave them the high fives (good game) that we always do. In our meeting after the game, we discussed what had just happened and the umpires comments to so many of us. We do not tollerate rude behavior in our program by players or parents and they were fantastic yesterday. We can teach softball skills and good sportsmanship, but we can't teach heart and class. Our wonderful girls get their heart and class from within themselves and we are very proud of them.

We lost the game yesterday because we didn't play well!! No Excuses!!


i saw probably the biggest display of bad sportsmanship/ no class ive seen on a ball field at the 18u Whithall tournament this weekend.
2 teams went 0-0 into the 5th inning until team A went up 1-0. Team B immediately came back to score 4-5 runs in the 6th and had the bases loaded with no outs. With team A upset at whats going on, theres a play at home resulted in the runner sliding in making contact with the catcher and landing on top of her. after some shoving and the catcher dropping the "B" word a couple times, the runner came back with something like dont call me a "B" and ump calls the runner out saying he didnt hear the 3-4 "B"'s the catcher unloaded. The team with the ejected player ( who just scored 4-5 runs to go up) forfeits the game right then because they were playing with 9 players!
Long story short is the classless display where the team who was getting beat, goes on to celebrate like they just hammered the forfeited team. With the final straw being the coach bragging it was really too bad the other teams player got caught and not his, apparently condoning this kind of behavior and basking in the glory of his hard fought win...... ::)


These classless teams are few and you find out they rarely know the rules. We ran into one at Toledo this weekend. The coaches and Umpires all knew this before you played them,, since they argue every call and have no clue what the rules are. We coaches and umpires talk and you would think they would learn that they are only hurting themslves with this type of behavior. The good news they don't seem to hang around long/.


I guess you are going to have a little of this where ever you play. We are new to travel this year and I have seen some of the most shocking behavior out of 12 year olds and coaches. One game we were at in a very nice complex in Akron the other teams 3rd base coach was having a hissy fit including some uncalled for language about the scheduling of the fields because a foul ball was hit onto our field from the field behind us. Hello!! That's what happens in a complex with several games going on. I have seen many balls from other fields come onto the wrong field. It is part of the game. Then he proceeded to have a couple more hissy fits over dumb insignificant calls.Then the week before that were we at a tournament where the catcher (mind you 12U!) is turning around yelling (arguing) at our scorekeeper about a play. That was after the catcher (from another team the day before) turned around and yelled at our parent section because we made a comment that she couldn't be on the plate without the ball (she did this everytime). She was downright nasty. In fact her father (I am assuming)from the car the chew her out for standing on the plate without the ball. And she got nasty with him. I was also told by a parent of my daughter's friend that this same catcher was swearing at a game that they played. After she told us that we realized that it was the same girl. I am sorry but if my child EVER disrespected an adult (any adult) like that she would be on the bench the first time and then out of the game the next. I would also expect her coach to bench her for behavior like that and let her know that is not tolerated. This is part of what is wrong with our country. The kids are not taught to respect adults or anyone else for that matter. Then they grow up to be rude and nasty adults many with severe anger issues. Then repeating the cycle with their own children.


Well put Brandallee3. I agree. Sounds like those parents have their hands full!!!!

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