Springer ump's



What has your umpiring been like? I'm sanctioned ump, so I know how difficult umpiring is esp. fastpitch seem's like one bang. bang play after another. dd j.r. high ball started this past week homeplate ump we had, stood 4ft. behind catcher not kiddin. He's about 70 they said just had hip surgery and could'nt squat down, when asked about other ump in the field, which is head ump in charge of all ump's I was told he was kicked out of a nearby youth league for becoming aroused behind the plate, so he is limited too field." SOUNDS LIKE SPRINGER EPISODE I KNOW" My opinion should'nt be umping at all what do you think out there in OFC land. Question, cause not sure about highschool rules. There was 1 out girl comes to bat , lines out to second but she batted out of order," she was supposed too be on deck" they called both out scored 4-3 twice. inn. over. Should'nt it have been the girl that she batted out of order for been out and she should bat for herself with two out's?


This get's confusing to explain online. Let's say #2 in the lineup is due to bat. #3 bats instead. Appeal is made after the play. #2 batter is declared out, #3 batter should be at bat. (again) Can't get 2 outs on that play. You are correct.

Not sure why the defense would have appealed it, they got the out on the play. Unless they wanted that batter to bat again.

Regarding the field ump, I wouldn't go around repeating what was said about him unless I was 100% sure it was correct. (as in I was directly involved as a board member or such) If I was involved, I would say something to the umpire association and most likely not to the fans/parents as that type of person has no business being out there at all. I have to wonder if it could possibly be true and any association would knowingly let him do the field but not the plate.

On the other hand, if it's not true, it's a damning accusation and the guy can't defend himself because people will always say "I heard such and such...." when it may be completely false. It's such a powerful accusation, I would hope it's never made without real basis. Mean spirited people can try to ruin someone with just a few whispers, and it's so hard to defend.


That was the wrong ruling for batting out of order in high school softball (and most other rule sets). If properly appealed, the batter who should have batted is the one called out. The at-bat of the improper batter who actually batted is negated. The next proper batter is the one whose name appears in the line-up following the batter who was called out (even if it is the same improper batter that just batted). One out on this play would be the correct ruling.

As with many other rules, this rule is not interpreted exactly the same for all rule sets! For instance, under ASA rules the out against the improper batter would stand AND the batter who should have batted would also be called out. The next batter is the one whose name follows the batter who should have batted in the line-up. If that is the player who just batted out of turn and was put out, since her out stands she is skipped and the batter following her is due up. So, if you're playing an ASA game, two outs would be the correct ruling.

In both rule sets, any outs made against runners already on base stand. So, you could wind up with multiple outs after a batting out of order appeal in high school ball, but not on this particular play because no other runners were put out.

It can be, in itself, a confusing rule, and it's made even more confusing by the fact that different sanctioning bodies might enforce it differently.

On the "arousal" thing...IF (big "IF" here) it were true, I can't image that the umpire would be allowed to continue in any capacity involving young players.

Besides, how would anybody know if the guy was "aroused"? I mean, did somebody, like, check the guy? And if they did, what if he was wearing a cup? Enquiring minds want to know!

On the other umpire...after working a game this past weekend with a plate umpire that was doing his first game ever (what a nightmare), I'll take an experienced official that knows what he's doing any day, even if he is less mobile, over a guy that is just totally overmatched and lost!


This get's confusing to explain online. Let's say #2 in the lineup is due to bat. #3 bats instead. Appeal is made after the play. #2 batter is declared out, #3 batter should be at bat. (again) Can't get 2 outs on that play. You are correct.

Not sure why the defense would have appealed it, they got the out on the play. Unless they wanted that batter to bat again.

Regarding the field ump, I wouldn't go around repeating what was said about him unless I was 100% sure it was correct. (as in I was directly involved as a board member or such) If I was involved, I would say something to the umpire association and most likely not to the fans/parents as that type of person has no business being out there at all. I have to wonder if it could possibly be true and any association would knowingly let him do the field but not the plate.

On the other hand, if it's not true, it's a damning accusation and the guy can't defend himself because people will always say "I heard such and such...." when it may be completely false. It's such a powerful accusation, I would hope it's never made without real basis. Mean spirited people can try to ruin someone with just a few whispers, and it's so hard to defend.

What happened was our score keeper realized it brought it to our coach who in turn brought it too ump's attention.

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