Suddenly, I learn I'll have no more games to watch.



Sorry to hear about not knowing "the last time". I couldn't imagine hearing that from my DD. My DD is in her senior year of high school and has already decided not to play in college due to the major that she wants. Being a medical student with clinicals, it's impossible to do both. You have to travel for the games and be at practices-plus you have to be at clinicals. Tough choice for her, but I am so proud that she chose her future over playing a game. Courses and grades always come first.
at least I can watch her last high school game and have the knowledge that I am actually watching her last game. It will be hard, but my pride in her will definitely be stronger.
Good job with her. She sounds like an amazing young lady.


Watching your child go from a kid to adulthood is what its all about. My kid gave up college football to persue his studies. It hurt at first but after a while seeing him mature, content, focused and still goal driven helped. This time there is a lifetime benefit to all his work, that will help him have a successful future. Give it some time and watch your kid grow.

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