Team Costs on Team sites - more information



Anyway you slice it your paying for it one way or another. A team can claim only $300 in fees but your going to pay more, either by working to get sponsors or by mandatory fundrasing. The money must come from somewhere. There is zero chance a travel team is going to play 10 tourneys, supply unis, insurance, etc. all on $300 dollars. There is other money coming in from somewhere and chances are you are bringing that extra money in so you are paying one way or another.

We set our fees based on what we think the total cost is and then provide fundraising opportunities to offset that cost. We do not put all fundraising into one general account. All teams have their own accounts and each player has their own subaccount. If Susie works her tail off and raises $1500, she pays her fees and has the extra to use as travel expenses. We have some folks that hate fundraising and just pay everything up front. Others love to fundraise and end up paying no out of pocket fees. We just don't see it as fair if Susie goes out and sells $3000 in pizzas then have to split it among 12 kids. She earned it, she uses it. Any kid can play for free with us if they want. It is up to them and how hard they want to fundraise for the money.


we love the question and answer sessions. Good time to get an understanding of how the families are...


We try to limit our fundraisers to just one. We have found over the years that the parents are just "fund-raised out" because of all the school fundraisers and would rather pay that extra $100-$200 instead of trying to sell candles, park cars, sell fish fry tickets, etc.

We just want to play ball, so we pretty much take the cost of running the team and divide it evenly among the players. Pretty basic.


It is true! When my DD switched beginning of this year from a large elite Cincy organization to the Static 12U black we were surprised by the lower fees and openness. Financials are passed out regularly with the Static. Never, not once with the other org. Not that its a real big deal, never looked at it anyway but nice that they offered! We're paying less fees, why question that! :D Sponsors and fundraisers are a huge help. And they refund unused fees!! All non-profit, about the kids, organizations should be this open and honest! Why not.

Thanks Tom!!! We try our hardest to leave no question about where each penny is spent. Being transparent about cost/finances is the only way to go & greatly reduces any misconceptions along the way.


many good points and a topic that could go on forever...

The Static have several ways of handling this and varies slightly between head coaches. ?My team (10u for 2008 and 2009) takes an approach that is pretty good (of course no bias here). ?

Upfront fee is around 325.00. ?Like the others, we have 7-8 tourneys, spring/summer league, Insurance, 3 SETS OF uniforms, insurance, indoor training, and all the wrappings that everyone else has...

The cool thing is we share our financials with each parent all year long and at year end all monies go back to the players equally. ?Non-profit is non-profit and it's about the players. ?Gaining sponsors and fundraisers allow the team the opportunity to reduce the total expense and that is huge. ?Most fund-raise as a necessity and if everyone understands that every single dime is for "them" they will contribute much more. ?I stole this from one of our other Static coaches and it works.

Perception is huge and is in bed right next to the first impression and our tryout information covers this when we close our day at tryouts.

It is true! When my DD switched beginning of this year from a large elite Cincy organization to the Static 12U black we were surprised by the lower fees and openness. Financials are passed out regularly with the Static. Never, not once with the other org. Not that its a real big deal, never looked at it anyway but nice that they offered! We're paying less fees, why question that! :D Sponsors and fundraisers are a huge help. And they refund unused fees!! All non-profit, about the kids, organizations should be this open and honest! Why not.

our girls ended up paying about 270 per player this year. We only did 2 fundraisers and spent right at 900 per player with fees, equipment, and training. Next year we may not fund-raise as much... as others have said, fund-raised out it kicking in. We always provide fundraisers. We have even had teams jump in with others to raise money even when the current team had decided it was enough for them in that current season. Flexibility and the offering of fund-raising is the key! We did 9 tournaments this spring/summer plus one indoor tourney and 1 fall tourney and one 10 game league. Not bad overall.


We provide finacial requirements at tryouts and they can also be found with our registration forms on our website.

I also certainly do not mind sharing my prior years budgets with parents to keep everything out in the open. $400 of our fees covers basic travel team needs. $300 goes towards our indoor facilities cost. The indoor facilities allows players to utilize cages and field time, if not booked, for free during the entire season they have committed to, i.e., August 2010 to August 2011.

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