The school better wake up



Without outright naming the school, they can read between the lines.....

Okay here it is, brutal yes, right, wrong, or indifferent as it is falling on deaf ears otherwise,

Yes, team sport team should be treated as a team. But the latest straw is now, one member of the team makes a mistake, all those positions, run. Others make mistakes all those positions run. If they don't beat the coach, they run again. great, sounds like a military process. What if the coach continues bonehead decisions, do they run? You have made many. So you gonna run? Kid's throw helmets, kick dirt, throw bats, do you do anything or say anything? No, they are your headline players. That sets a great example. Wonder why you don't have the numbers of girls playing anymore? I specifically made it a goal to see a few of each level games this year to see what is going on. Look in the mirror! JV is average, freshman abyssmal, I hear there is no "our side" summer 16 year old team, 14 year old quality players flew the coop and who knows about 18 this year? I know alot of those girls are not happy. There are allot of girls that have played their whole life, that now hate the game (pretty sad). The other school has alot of players playing for them, so it's not that girls aren't just playing anymore, there is something more to it. Heck, I hear one team is forming in those age groups outside the program, because the girls want to play.

Don't you dare go back and yell at the kids either, for talking with their parents, HMM what a great ideal these days, a kid actually talking to their parents. Heck, the parents can see it for themselves

Harsh comments yes, but someone had to say it without the fear of retribution. If there is retribution, there is always other spring sports she can play and then figure where to play in the summer.

A very concerned parent looking to the future

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