Third base Coach ejected from Flag City Firecracker


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Jul 8, 2015
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Does anybody have any information on the details surrounding the ejection of the thied base Coach at the Flag City Firecracker in Findlay? It appeared he got into some sort of argument with a girl on the opposing team. then grabbed her by the arm and said something to her. Coach was ejected from park and police were called in. Is this guy still Coaching as of today? The behavior witnessed was inexcuable.

I am the coach that this thread is speaking of, it did NOT happen the way that the original poster had posted. Below is the PM that I sent to the original poster. Please read it, sorry there is no major drama or arrests or fights or sex offenders involved. It is really sad that somebody can come onto a social media site and totally start bashing another person without knowing the total truth. And also, there was NOT another incident at the tournament that needed police, not sure where that one came from either!

I am not sure where the information you received came from for this thread, but it is incorrect. I tried to post a response to the thread but evidently since I just signed up I do not have access to do so. I am the third base coach from the BlackHawks, and the coach as to you are speaking of in your post. I will explain the chain of events for you and if you like, would you please either remove the post or post this for me in the thread. I will post it as soon as I am able, but I would like to speak my side so we all know what really occurred. It was my First base Coach that was ejected I believe in the 5th inning for arguing a call at home plate, he was asked to leave. He did so and missed the rest of the game. We scored 2 runs in this inning to take the lead so it was a very intense moment to say the least, he let the situation get to him and he lost his cool, the umpire was swift and correct for ejecting him. The next inning was pretty much 3 up 3 down for both teams and we won the game by 1 run. At this point I did not think there was an issue with the other team, umpire yes, but not the other team. I apologized to he umpire and all was good. We then lined up at the end of the game, I was last in line as I always am, everything was normal until #5 came through and turned away before the coaches, I simply asked her (and in no way was it mean) to please slap my hand. She did so and moved on, (I NEVER TOUCHED HER OTHER THAN HER HAND SLAPPING MINE!). Then #9 came through and did the same thing, she was in front of her coaches, I asked her as well, and I quote "#9 please slap my hand" she came over and we slapped hands, and they were not mean by any way. There was NO CONTACT what so ever between myself and the players other than hand slap,. The opposing coach then got upset because I was speaking to his players and he said I had no right to ask them to do this. He proceeded to stand directly in front of me and challenge me at which time I walked away with 1 of my assistants. For the record, if any of my players disrespect and do not show sportsmanship to the opposing team they are cut immediately. The next events is what I was told by multiple people, I personally did NOT witness it but this is what I was told. When the opposing coach was leaving the field, he was confronted by Findlay's Mayor. Words were said, and I am not sure what was said, the Mayor then asked for the Police to come. I am not sure what the outcome was, don't care really, I just find it hard to believe that I am getting slammed for stuff I didn't do. I would greatly appreciate it if you could post this entire PM because I can't, again, I just signed up. I appreciate your help, thanks.
And as for the other coach of the opposing team, not sure the outcome. Last that I had seen, they were on another field playing when we started our next game.
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New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Don't even start on Why we have the ACE cards and ASA Rosters. I have watched from afar that these are no longer enforced. Any player can play on any ASA roster at any given time even if they are not on roster "IF" they even turned one in. ASA is open roster.


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Jul 7, 2014
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Don't even start on Why we have the ACE cards and ASA Rosters. cha-ching, no other reason. They are not enforced. Dugouts and Rosters are open season.

Converse Kid

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Aug 11, 2014
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I am the coach that this thread is speaking of, it did NOT happen the way that the original poster had posted. Below is the PM that I sent to the original poster. Please read it, sorry there is no major drama or arrests or fights or sex offenders involved. It is really sad that somebody can come onto a social media site and totally start bashing another person without knowing the total truth. And also, there was NOT another incident at the tournament that needed police, not sure where that one came from either!

I am not sure where the information you received came from for this thread, but it is incorrect. I tried to post a response to the thread but evidently since I just signed up I do not have access to do so. I am the third base coach from the BlackHawks, and the coach as to you are speaking of in your post. I will explain the chain of events for you and if you like, would you please either remove the post or post this for me in the thread. I will post it as soon as I am able, but I would like to speak my side so we all know what really occurred. It was my First base Coach that was ejected I believe in the 5th inning for arguing a call at home plate, he was asked to leave. He did so and missed the rest of the game. We scored 2 runs in this inning to take the lead so it was a very intense moment to say the least, he let the situation get to him and he lost his cool, the umpire was swift and correct for ejecting him. The next inning was pretty much 3 up 3 down for both teams and we won the game by 1 run. At this point I did not think there was an issue with the other team, umpire yes, but not the other team. I apologized to he umpire and all was good. We then lined up at the end of the game, I was last in line as I always am, everything was normal until #5 came through and turned away before the coaches, I simply asked her (and in no way was it mean) to please slap my hand. She did so and moved on, (I NEVER TOUCHED HER OTHER THAN HER HAND SLAPPING MINE!). Then #9 came through and did the same thing, she was in front of her coaches, I asked her as well, and I quote "#9 please slap my hand" she came over and we slapped hands, and they were not mean by any way. There was NO CONTACT what so ever between myself and the players other than hand slap,. The opposing coach then got upset because I was speaking to his players and he said I had no right to ask them to do this. He proceeded to stand directly in front of me and challenge me at which time I walked away with 1 of my assistants. For the record, if any of my players disrespect and do not show sportsmanship to the opposing team they are cut immediately. The next events is what I was told by multiple people, I personally did NOT witness it but this is what I was told. When the opposing coach was leaving the field, he was confronted by Findlay's Mayor. Words were said, and I am not sure what was said, the Mayor then asked for the Police to come. I am not sure what the outcome was, don't care really, I just find it hard to believe that I am getting slammed for stuff I didn't do. I would greatly appreciate it if you could post this entire PM because I can't, again, I just signed up. I appreciate your help, thanks.
And as for the other coach of the opposing team, not sure the outcome. Last that I had seen, they were on another field playing when we started our next game.

Did you read my post Ranger? I stated the Blackhawk Coaches, girls, and orginization displayed nothing but class. I did not name nor bash any Coach in the thread. I was asking if anyone had any info on what happened. Believe me, the talk from Parents and Girls was far worse than what I posted and there was multiple rumors swirling around the diamonds. If anything, you have shed some light on the situation and hopefully the good word gets out because there was alot of upset girls and parents.

Converse Kid

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Aug 11, 2014
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The sex offender comments have nothing to do with this and should be removed by a moderator.


Jun 17, 2014
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BTW I am not sure what happens in Ohio.

But in Michigan at the ASA State tournament we have to line up and show the roster and each player must show their ASA picture card.

And last year a teams HC was not there the first day and the assistant had to go online and get ACE certified before they could play in the tournament. Again I would agree it is a bit of window dressing but it is enforced at some tournaments.

My wife the Head coach had to show her ACE card and certifications.

Now our score keeper did not get checked. But she sits outside the dugout and they also have official score keepers so you do not really need to keep score.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2014
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North Canton
ASA in Ohio is joke but it's not ASA's fault its the TD's fault. Too many times they don't care and don't wanna waste their time checking everyone that needs to be checked.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Clark County Ohio (Southwest District)
"What we have here is a failure to communicate". Maybe some guilty consciences. Who knows and why care unless you are directly involved. I agree, don't plaster this stuff on social media or even in a forum like this. Let the parties involved settle things and move forward. this entire thread took a terrible turn it shouldn't have because a few comments were taken out of context.

Coaches, don't ever assume you have a right to demand or even suggest that the players from another team be open to your direction. They play for another team, another organization, another coaching staff. Their standards may be different from yours and how you run your ship. just because you wear a uniform and have a title, don't assume others are required to treat you with respect just because that's where YOU draw the line. respect is earned. It is reflected across the board by players, parents/families, assistants, scorekeepers, and the way they handle themselves both on and off the field. As a coach, you some times will be the recipient for the actions of others. It comes with wearing the hat. Do not press the kids what you deem to be right. If an opposing team does not want to shake your hand simply walk away. They don't have to. Make a mental note to consider this during fall tryouts and move on with life. Let the bitterness melt away and hope the time away mends any hard feelings. It takes a big person to stay in control and walk away even if you believe you were in the right.

A hard fought game that had enough emotions running that a coach got ejected and a come back victory can be bitter right after a competition. Understand and walk away if snubbed. Don't demand you acknowledge my presence, i just beat you!!! You see my point. Don't overthink it.

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