Want to be an Outlaw? Here's your opportunity!


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May 24, 2018
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Im not arguing with you and you can be rude or dismissive if you like. Im telling you that you are wrong. Thats all. Best of luck


Active Member
Jun 17, 2014
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Im not arguing with you and you can be rude or dismissive if you like. Im telling you that you are wrong. Thats all. Best of luck
Robby I am dismissive because you are a troll! No one but you is talking about being the best, posting scores, or level of schedule. That is tacky!
When you get to the point of your kids being recruited it will matter where you play based on the types and locations of the schools your kids want to be recruited by. Trying to use the term "level" of schedule is just you being a troll and stirring the pot. Have at it then. There are kids who are better suited by the schedules of programs you have listed and we lose kids to those programs in those cases. Believe it or not, as you move up in age group, the argument about who is "better" than who becomes much less interesting and the prospect of finding the best fit takes a much higher priority.


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Jun 20, 2014
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Pretty sure Lasers plays just as competitive a schedule as you do. Pretty sure

Actually, my daughter moved to outlaws to play a more competitive schedule. No other Ohio based team offered that opportunity. Warren goes above and beyond to help all the girls in his org reach their goals, as does Tom with his team.
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Jun 11, 2018
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TX Glory Midwest will be playing about as tough a schedule as you can play this coming season. We are based in Michigan, barely, but have more than half Ohio girls. Unfortunately we only have a 12u team this season but will possibly be expanding in the future. I'm just saying, not trying to measure anything lol.


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Jun 22, 2014
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It seems sad to me that a girl not pursuing D1 would be considered “not chasing the dream 100%” or not being “all in”. There are girls who don’t want D1 for many reasons. My daughter is not looking D1 for a few reasons:
1) she wants a small school. She attends a very small school district and feels more comfortable in a smaller environment which is more personal
2) she wants softball to be a big part of her college life but not her WHOLE (exaggerating a bit) life.
3) her desired major and career plans. Most D1 programs (and many other schools as well) don’t work for an athlete pursuing that course.

She is putting her education and overall college experience first but that doesn’t mean she is not chasing the dream 100%. Whose dream are we talking about? Is only 1 sort of dream.

Pitchermom, An FYI, not all D1 programs are large. My daughter will be playing for Saint Francis (D1) in the fall. However, the overall student body is about 1/3 of the student body of Ashland University which is D2. In fact, SFU is the second smallest D1 university in the nation.


New Member
Aug 3, 2018
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Why so many haters on this Site? Everyone has their own opinion on what it takes to play college ball at the highest level... I have seen a plethora of orgs promoting their teams on this site the last two weeks, claiming they play a showcase heavy schedule and have recruiting steps in place. The truth is most orgs DO NOT follow through with their claims!


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Feb 8, 2017
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Pitchermom, An FYI, not all D1 programs are large. My daughter will be playing for Saint Francis (D1) in the fall. However, the overall student body is about 1/3 of the student body of Ashland University which is D2. In fact, SFU is the second smallest D1 university in the nation.

Thank you for that information. I really was unaware there are some that small! I’ll have to have her keep doing more research!


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Feb 8, 2017
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I would encourage you to go back and read the entirety of this thread. I did not write that "a girl not pursuing D1 would be considered “not chasing the dream 100%” or not being “all in”. I responded to a statement that said "Of course D1 might be most girls dreams, I get it. My question is how many of those actually stick and stay at D1 and get money for school and get playing time?" My response was that if a girl has D1 aspirations and dreams to play at that level then she should chase that goal and not look back. There are many kids who do not set D1 as their goal which is perfectly fine. That is why I wrote "any of those opportunities (including D3) are great if it's the right fit for you" in the last post.

Also, it is interesting that you wrote items 1-3 because as someone who has been through this, that was not my experience at all. As my oldest daughter is preparing to start her first day of Vet School at the University of Illinois, she owes a debt of gratitude to both her undergraduate program and her softball team. She had the goal of playing college softball, going to a small school and getting into vet school when she graduated. She attended Detroit Mercy which was a very small school. She played division 1 softball in the Horizon league which by no means took up her "whole" life and her team was very accommodating to her academic needs.

I guess the point I am trying to make is that if you make sound decisions based on good information things tend to work out with minimal regret. So many people will tell you why you shouldn't do this or that with your life but it's not always the best advice. If your daughter does not want to play D1 softball then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. BUT, if your daughter's only reason for not wanting to play D1 softball is because she thinks she cant go to a smaller school that will allow her to focus on her academics and still have a social life then that would be a shame because those programs do exist.

Thank you for the information on how D1 can work in some situations like what my daughter might be looking at. I don’t think that’s really what she wants but I will definitely encourage her to do her research on smaller D1’s!

I apologize for misunderstanding your comments on being all in, etc.

I guess my point is that the way some tryout posts on here are worded (and I am NOT referring to the Outlaws in particular, I personally notice it more from another organization) , it doesn’t make a girl who doesn’t have D1 dreams feel “welcome”. That is coming from my daughter’s perspective reading the posts. It’s great if the orgs are accepting of players with all different aspirations, but sometimes their posts don’t make that clear and it can be a turn off (right or wrong, just a reality) to some players

I actually apologize as well for this all being on an Outlaws thread. When I posted yesterday, I didn’t even realize it was. I use the “new posts” button and it takes me to the unread posts in each thread so I thought it was more of a discussion thread. I should’ve scrolled up to see the 1st post. Sorry about that!


Active Member
Jun 17, 2014
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I actually apologize as well for this all being on an Outlaws thread. When I posted yesterday, I didn’t even realize it was. I use the “new posts” button and it takes me to the unread posts in each thread so I thought it was more of a discussion thread. I should’ve scrolled up to see the 1st post. Sorry about that!

Pitchermom no worries... it IS a discussion. I meant what I said, call me anytime you have questions about the recruiting process. I am still in CA but have talked to 2-3 parents about next year who had questions but will not end up playing on my team. As Brownsfan said, St. Francis is another EXCELLENT option for those who are looking for smaller schools but want to play D1 softball (as is Detroit Mercy, Oakland U in MI, Austin Peay, Western Carolina (little bigger)... some of those schools are gems and you might be very surprised at what you find. After you do your research the first step is to start writing letters to the program. The next step is to show up at camp. Good luck to you and your daughter!


"Suck A Little Less Today"
Feb 11, 2000
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As stated, we acknowledge and congratulate every commitment any of our girls make to play at the next level. D1 isn't for everyone. As Outlaws, we find the BEST FIT for the PLAYER. Whatever that may be. We are proud of our girls whether or not they even choose to play at the next level, which some don't. As Outlaws, we try to get our teams to events where they will have the most exposure and opportunity. Which we have earned over the years by performing and succeeding at the top events across the country. College coaches don't care about how many tournaments your team has won. Therefore, it pays off to attend the events with the most exposure and not necessarily the ones you know you will win. We were not trying to knock any other organizations because there are some great ones out there that continue to grow. We just try to do what we can here to make sure the players, coaches, and families are happy and help them achieve their goals. Good luck to everyone this season!