What if HS ball is not offered



I have a very talented 14U player who has struggled for the last 2 years due to the lack of a school team. This past year was a last minute thing, the program was cancelled weeks before the season started. If she still does not have an option to play next spring, what can she do to get some live action conditioning/training?



There are some options in the works that will keep the players on the ball fields. We have a team not well known to many but we are very active in all season play. There are many who have played with us when the opportunity was needed. I trust there will now be many teams stepping up to fill voids that have been created at the school levels.

We played a few schools last spring as well to help them with their scrimmages needed.
I know a few coaches are thinking about trying what we have been doing and you have a concern that many parents are having. I know due to the loss of programs and fundings that there will be more options picking up soon. The sport will survive and may even become stronger when times get rough.
We are active...... I sent you a PM


Do what you can to build the school softball program. If that still doesn't work--that is just earlier she can play on her travel team.


ACRgrc--If your team plays a traditional sanctioned OHSAA team, isn't that team then ineligible to play any other OHSAA sanctioned team? That was what I was told when the school was thinking of adding junior-high softball by somebody with a lot more knowledge than I? And, are a lot of schools in central Ohio dropping softball to cut costs?


At the time we were contacted and told they were allowed so many games that would count towards their alotted scrims. I do not think any coach/team would knowingly break the OHSSA rulings and I do believed they researched with the districts, or at least hope so. 6 districts should all follow the same information.


Looks like Levy failed again. No HS sports or extra activites. :(

So Sad. Lot's of talent in the district.


Where there is a will there is a way............ Enough players from the district can still work to have something..... You will see someone out there put something in action for the school athletes.


Yeah, but what the Heck... How can a district tell you that you can't use the fields?? Your tax money pays for them, so use them. Arrest me for tresspassing. I can see it now, being in the jail with Bubba and have him say "what ya in for?"

I can see these battles heating up in courtrooms soon. They will say oh "well the district maintains them" But in Hilliard at the elementary schools, the rec league does and the district threatened to not let the kids use those when our last levy came through...

Where are the lawyers who can disseminate this issue??