ASA Tournament 16u Hall of Fame Qualifier Sept 11th-12th



Depending on my research regarding the freezing of rosters, Buckeye Heat 95 will probably play in the Hall of Fame bracket. If we don't play in that bracket, we will almost assuredly pick up enough players to play in the non-qualifier 16U bracket.


Let me know.. had a lot of 16u teams saying they really didn't care to go to Hall of Fame event in Oklahoma City and wanted to come down and be a part of it for Mardee and her son. But, didn't want to get frozen rosters etc.. early in the 2011 season if they had no plans to go.

The two in the HOF so far.. want the berth.


CGS - where can I find the info on rosters? Polling my team and we would have to pick up a few players for Saturday.....


Mardee: The ASA Code is a mess on this issue. I reviewed it ( and concluded that a roster is not frozen simply because it was submitted for a Hall of Fame qualifier. Warren confirmed that as long as we have five players from the official ASA roster he will release pick-up players.

The question that I now need to ask Warren is whether we need to add our new team members as pick-up players and whether they would count towards the limitation of three pick-up players for championship play. The Code is silent with respect to the issue of changing the roster after try-outs. Fortunately, we only have three additions and we have at least 6 players available for this tourney who are on this year's roster. If we have to treat the three additions as pick-up players, however, that means we must play with only nine players for this tournament. We are going to contact Warren on this issue because I can tell you as a lawyer that the question regarding a change in roster to include new team members for this tournament does not appear to be addressed.

BTW, all these issues go away if you are not playing in the Hall of Fame bracket.


Deadline for the 16u Hall of Fame event is ABSOLUTELY Sunday, August 29th at 11:59 p.m.

The 16u Hall of Fame first game time is 2:30 p.m. on Saturday and EXPECT to play back to back pool play on Saturday.


I'm trying my best to help the 16u teams deal with HS issues with these late start times.

This is the best I can do with time management for this event.

Tim Cleaver


Buckeye Heat 95 now has commitments from 7 players on its 2010 roster, so we are fine even if the 3 pickup player rule applies to our new team members. Looking forward to this tournament and glad we can contribute to Mardee, who has made amazing contributions to the Buckeye Heat organization and to central Ohio ball in general. Check goes out either today or tomorrow.

I will post Warren Jones' response to the question whether new team members are pickup players.


Welcome Buckeye Heat 95 to the 16u Hall of Fame qualifying event.


Welcome to the 16u Hall of Fame qualifer Buckeye Heat '94 (Clark) from Bugtussle, Ohio ;)


Ummm. That is Bugtussle, Tn. We are the Ohio branch of BTBICP. Hi Y'all!


Cincinnati teams...where are you :confused:

You complain and complain that you have to travel all the time to play the Central and Northern teams and this is in your backyard. :rolleyes:

Come defend "your" turf ;)


I guess Pastime Park in Harrison is looking better and better to you as an option for a place to play :rolleyes: in the Cincinnati region.

I find a wonderful place for you to host out of town teams, fields that are excellent in adverse weather, the hardest working grounds crew in Ohio, use the Clermont County Conventions Bureau to get the out of town teams good motel rates to afford to come here...

...and this !!!

I went through hell and back with Ohio ASA to get "you" this event for Southern Ohio.

Your welcome !!!:(


Back to your regular broadcast programming.

Coop: Jump in here and advertise that great poker tournament in Portsmouth this Saturday where you sell 4 tickets for $100.00 each and the fifth one is free !!!!

Quakerman needs a shot of Jack.

Make a Quaker drink...geessshhhh


Somebody said I should remove my post...LOL

Actually, I think I should add to it !!!!

So here we go.... you Cincinnati teams complained nobody held ASA event down here in this area of USSSA heaven.

I talked the Laser Gold into bringing their event to Goshen last Fall to put Goshen on the map for you. I worked the tournament for free. Goshen gave up the fields for free as they wanted to be on the map.

I talked Doom into bringing their event here to Goshen this past June from the slums of Kentucky where the tractor don't start to take care of the fields.

I bid on every National Qualifying event in Ohio for you and to appease me they give me this event.. an event that has never been had in Ohio as a tournament damn well knowing I surely out-bid many others for the other qualifying events and just didn't meet the good ole boy standards or anything belonged in the South !!!

Same way with the 14u Hall of Fame Qualifier. Never been played in Ohio to my knowledge. Never.

ASA was right. Nothing ASA National wise should be played in SW Ohio. Period.

Thanks for making them right !!!

Educate yourself when it comes to why SW Ohio will never get a major event. You had your chance to make a change and you absolutely blew it.

ASA Education 101 class is now over.

It'll be four years before I ever have another 16u event.. when my 2011 12u turns 16u .... then I will. That's a promise.

Go North and spend your parents hard earned money on motels.

Do I think it is an ASA test to see if the Cincinnati teams would at least show up? Sure, I do.


And you think I am wrong in my thoughts... well go to OHIO ASA website and see if this and the 14u HOF event is even listed. ;&

No support at all from Ohio ASA for SW Ohio. None. And I have to shake my head and wonder ...

With 10 ballfields .... and when the back bean field is paid off and 10 more are offered... Goshen is ABSOLUTELY going to be the place to play for teams !!

Teams might decide to quit going to fair-weathered tournaments in Ohio and get their parent's money worth by going somewhere where the fields can get up and running after a monsoon rain in a short period of time.

Afterall, isn't that what softball is all about? Playing the game.

And you could have been the hosts for once.


Actually there use to be a Hall of Fame Qualifier in Whitehall for years for all age groups. We went as a 12u team some years back and was a wonderful trip.


They have the 12u in Hamilton this year.

The past couple.. nothing.

It was always held in the Summer and teams would have to pick up and go after they won the qualifier.. and be in Oklahoma City three days later.

This is why they mandated it to the Fall.. because of the complaints from teams.

If you look in the ASA National website for this past year's event...One team from Ohio was there.

I hear it is well attended by some of the college coaches.. maybe not as much as ASA/USA National.. but well attended. I don't think Miami Valley Express (Pearson) would have went if it wasn't attended well. Then again I might be wrong.


It is not quite on the level of ASA/USA but much better than say ASA Easterns or anything else.

When we qualified as a 12u on a Sunday had to be in Oklahoma City on Thursday. Just crazy planning that trip. They only have 1 age group at a time out there so the other age groups at least had a week or 2 to plan. But it was cool going 1st as we arrived just days after the College World Series had ended and the field was still painted up and the stadium decorated with the NCAA stuff.

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