2008 NLL



Thanks ?I guess ;) ;) I believe Gates could be one of the best also but there are more than one team that could or should have ?the best in any league. All I am saying is it seems with everypost you put out there it is more a negative towards another player or team than a positive and I have a BIG issue with that. >:( >:( >:(


Saved,... that is exactly my point, GATES also endured injuries and posted great numbers.

Didn't you know, with every post about the NLL, if you don't mention a certain player in the "CATEGORY OF THE BEST" you'll be admonished. ;D ;D ;D


I sure did pick a good day to leave work early ;D ;D ;D ;D


Hey 643dp (or Uber, or Thunder :D)---I'm no statgirl (as has already been established ;D)---but when I'm looking at the pitchers' numbers, I know the first number is supposed to be the number of innings pitched for the season, right???

I can see the numbers getting into 140's-150's for some of the girls, but why do some of them have HUGE numbers (900's) and then a /3 behind them???

Does this represent innings pitched over 3 seasons??? ?And even if it does, how could they be pitching approx. 300 innings/year??? ?I'm just a newbie, aren't the highschools limited to something like 27-30 games/season???

So, even if she pitched every inning of a 7 inning game x 30 games, that still would only = 210 innings pitched??? ? How could she get to 900's in 3 seasons???

HELP!!!---I need someone to edjumacate me. ;D


I think the way it looks is suppossed to be a third of inning The way they are recorded is each inning is in thirds for the number of outs. Example My DD pitched 5 and 1 third of an inning in a game means she recorded 16 outs. . Another Example is Everitt was 992/3 actually 99 and 2 thirds of an inning. I know one of the othrers can explain it better for you


It's been real its been fun? but it has not been real fun!

Farwell, goodby..........OFC


Hello from a VERY WET :( :( Miami. So much for great Florida weather. It is very hot down here, but I can see this topic has heated up. Thunder, I am not sticking up for my brother FP11, but you have a very unique way of digging, putting down, ripping, someone and at the same time it is just enough not to sound mean. It truly is a great talent. :) Yes, you have even done it to me. I unlike FP11 don't let it bother me. Like I said to you before, " Opinions are like ***holes, everyones got one and some of them stink." You live in AW and you support them. I live in Springfield Township and I support Springfield. That doesn't make you a bad person. In fact, you are a good person; you just support the wrong team. ;) :) :)

As Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?"

Game at 3 o'clock today, hopefully the rain will go away. If not, I will put on the speedo :eek: and go for a swim. :p

FP11 - Don't leave OFC. :'( :'( :'( :'(


After taking time reading through the posts, I must say Thunder did not list the top 4 Pitchers in order of talent, they were stats. If Riles had asked who are the top 4 pitchers talent wise in the NLL, Springfields pitcher would have been on that list along with AW's, P-Burg and SV's.

After taking off my UJ hat and putting on my TCL hat I am going to give you NLL knuckleheads something else to talk about. I think the TCL is going dominate the NLL, and AW and Springfield are going 0-2, and are going to be run-ruled in both games!!! ;D

(BTW I am joking about being run ruled lmao ;) )


I notice in the stats that the 3 sv pitchers have pretty much equal inninngs while the other schools show one pitcher getting most of the innings.
Is that the coaching philosophy or just a coincidence?


It's think it's a combination of philosophy and the players you have available. I believe in Anthony Wayne, Perrsburg, Rossford,and Springfield's case it was the fact that those 4 pitchers brought the most ability and experience to their positions. Even though Bryson and Michalak were Freshman, they've had alot of mound time. Michalak's would have even ben higher if she hadn't been injured. If Gates stays healthy, her numbers will probably go to 70% + on the mound. High School pitching in general seems to fit into the "One Horse" philosophy.