a better way?



As someone who is involved with TWO travel organizations, i'm really thinking through "too much" and looking for a better way to do the summer season.

Our community travel program Maumee Thunder, is going a different route with great success: we play in maybe one fall tournament. Winter indoor practices one day a week ,Do some sunday scrimmages in the winter, and the real big difference: We try to have ALL our teams done playing by middle of July to facilitate other sports, family vacations etc. etc. We also play 4 local and one out of town tournament that the whole organization attends to build more family type feel to it.

We are wondering if MOST people would actually prefer to end by the mid july or 3rd week? And also try to get more of our teams to the same out of town tournaments.

We have tried to take Magic organization in a different direction already, LESS teams, GREAT coaches [college/high school/former players]. We know how to get kids recruited, we have had a lot of kids signed in the past, and in the future, and it isn't just from playing in the big XYZ tournament, though we play in many of those also! . We try to be honest about this, but some just don't get it. We want the kids in our program to have the best coaches possible and they all are passonate about what they do, and very skilled at it. please share your thoughts, this is mostly just a survey! :)

Please jump in and give us your thoughts on this idea of Less is More, we enjoy the diversity of opinions, and want to grow! Sincerely, Jim Director Magic SGS


I don't know how you can reach your potential as a team without playing in the big XYZ tournaments. I know I want my DD's to compete against the best! You may only find 1 or 2 of the very best teams at smaller local tournaments, but its all about what you as a team are looking for.


That's all very nice. But if you are so concerned about the girls, why did your tournament this past weekend at the Lucas County Rec Center bar coolers from the premises?

Some hot weekend in the future, some poor girl is going to keel over from heat stroke, and when it happens I hope the grieving family sues the program and the facility out of existence.

For the record, this was the first tournament we've attended in five years that barred coolers.

Does the greed of the facilities people and the softball programs have to impact the health and wellbeing of the girls?

I think it's a disgrace.


I think most players and families who play travel ball expect to play as much as they can all year, want to go to all the big tournaments, and want to play the best teams they can. That is a big reason why so many leave the rec teams so why go back??


brineyman, before you accuse Magic of child abuse, make sure they were the ones who banned coolers. Many organizations if not ALL organizations do not own their own complex so we are all at the mercy of those who do. We have some good ones here in the state that allow coolers and such AND also have a darn good concession stand. However, not all TD's or orgs have that relationship. I don't think any TD would want to put the girl's health at risk. A lot of the private complexes have opposite agendas, TDs want to put on a good tournament, complex management wants to maximize profits. For example, I have gripe with Pasttime park. My youngest DD played in the Jeff Shelton memorial there this weekend and they were serving beer AND mixed drinks at 9:00am in the morning at a 10U and 12U tournament. Sometime you just have to say it out loud to hear how rediculous it sounds. The ONLY way things will change is to speak with your wallet. There are many great places to play in the state.


That's all very nice. But if you are so concerned about the girls, why did your tournament this past weekend at the Lucas County Rec Center bar coolers from the premises?

Some hot weekend in the future, some poor girl is going to keel over from heat stroke, and when it happens I hope the grieving family sues the program and the facility out of existence.

For the record, this was the first tournament we've attended in five years that barred coolers.

Does the greed of the facilities people and the softball programs have to impact the health and wellbeing of the girls?

I think it's a disgrace.

This sounds like an attack on a complex, not an organization. as so many organizations rent there facilities for t-ments. Organizations have very little control over facilities that they rent.

I also played in this t-ment, at all 3 locations that they used. everytime I asked for water, I had a parent pulling it out of there coolers and that included the Rec Center.
I have yet to see a cooler patrol at any t-ment that banned coolers, we just pull them in.


That's all very nice. But if you are so concerned about the girls, why did your tournament this past weekend at the Lucas County Rec Center bar coolers from the premises?

Some hot weekend in the future, some poor girl is going to keel over from heat stroke, and when it happens I hope the grieving family sues the program and the facility out of existence.

For the record, this was the first tournament we've attended in five years that barred coolers.

Does the greed of the facilities people and the softball programs have to impact the health and wellbeing of the girls?

I think it's a disgrace.

We played quite a few tournaments this year that coolers where banned....you could take in a water cooler at a couple but that was it. I think if they can stay close to home in local tournaments and play against the better teams more power to them. Our organization could pretty much do this due to our location, but this is also a coach decision as to whether they want to go to a National or World Series Event also. Do what your parents/players like the best.


From talking to parents and players, most of them would just like to take a weekend off from time to time to rejuice the batteries or heel some nagging injuries.

The girls who just want to play will normally find somebody to play for, there is always a team looking for a player to play over any given weekend.


we do not run the fields where we rent, nor dictate the rules, the cooler ban isn't ours! The facility in question is private owned, and they are really trying to improve their fields etc. SGS has to abide by the rules of the park.

I miscommunicated some also, there is nothing wrong with playing in the XYZ big tournament, our teams do and will continute to do so, in fact our Magic 18u team took 3rd in one of the biggest, Colorado Sparkler and just came back from Stingrays. Our 16u has been to two big college showcases and 10/12/16's are all going to Nationals. I really meant to say, some people think just playing in these big tournaments you'll get "noticed" or recruited, and that isn't true.

Lastly, these were just questions to "probe" if there is a "better way"?

The biggest thing i'm wondering is how people feel about trying to shorten up so you are done by the 2nd or 3rd week of july!


I believe that the people who are really driving the train for the older groups are the college coaches. The girls that have aspirations of playing college ball have to facilitate the schedule of the college coaches.

I'm sure that you have noticed that there is a huge mentality difference between 10/12/14's and the 16/18 age groups. Two different goals. The younger age group has development and winning any tournament in sight as their goals (just ask any 12U parent:D) and the older age groups have recruiting as thier major goal.

The younger age groups that are concerned more about developing and not worried about ever going to a National can afford to have a shorter season, I believe.

This is an excellent topic.


Signing a ton of of players? I know that you have amended this to say that many of your SGS Magic teams are going to Nationals, but how can that be consistent with being done by the 2nd or 3rd week of July?

I can't answer your question whether there is a better way until I know whether the players that have signed and that were/are on your teams did that while being done with travel ball play by the 2nd or 3rd week of July in each season in which they were in play for recruiting purposes. And then I'd need to know where they were "signed".

I can tell you as coaches that if we don't start in 16U and up until after HS graduation weekend, we don't think we can do much and still be done by the 2nd or 3rd week of July.


The biggest thing i'm wondering is how people feel about trying to shorten up so you are done by the 2nd or 3rd week of july!

I think that if more teams took this approach.........it would sure make it a lot easier to find some high quality subs late in the season. :). Jk. :).


MagicSGS...I think its a "differant strokes for differant folks" setup in our area...
There is an org for everyone, The one who wants to play high competitive, showcase tourneys to someone that just wants to play the game. My DD was one that just wanted to play the game, She LOVED playing fastpitch but never wanted to go play in college, she was a decent player with some good talent worked hard early in her career but when she was going into her senior year she was burnt out from the game (yes it was my fault from coaching and pushing her) and she lost some focus. There are players like that and there are some that want to play at the highest level posible and will push themselves to there limit..I do not think either is wrong...What SGS magic does is great for the ladies they have AWSOME coaches and some great talent..There are great orgs around here that gives oppurtunity`s to all types...The org I coached for had really really good coaches for all differant talent, they have teams that are Elite some that are begginners and in between as do alot of orgs around here....I guess what I am trying to say is.......I believe that as a Player, Parent, and or Coach you need to find the right fit for YOU and and when making a decision think about what you future plans are in the game of fastpitch and or in life in general and choose an org than can help fullfull those plans ....Is there a better way????????? Maybe .... maybe not, but the fact that there are plenty of options for plenty of ladies and plenty of talents is what makes it nice for everyone...JMHO


I'm in the play as much as you can camp. I feel the burn out comes from so much winter practice time with no games to play. Its like taking kids out for Ice Cream once a week and only letting them order water.


thanks for all the great input! This is sort of a "seek and find" type thing, where I love hearing different ideas. I would guess that we'll continue down the path, where each team decides its wants and needs as far as how much and how long they play. Our team's going to nationals are decided as the season progresses and is based on quality of team, finishing high in tournaments, coaches preference and parents input.

This is not meant to be a self promoting thread, just something to explore different ideas. I'm proud of our organization, as i'm sure all others are of theirs. As DP said, different strokes for different folks. Diversity is a great thing! Keep your comments coming, thanks!

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