ACL Tear



I ?have a daughter who recently had surgery to reconstruct her ACL. ? :'( ? They say her recovery will take 6 to 9 months. ?She is a pitcher and I was wondering if any pitchers out there had a similar knee problem, and how long and how effective were they when they came back. ?She is entering her freshman year at college this fall. ?Thanks for the info. :)


Everyone heals and recovers differently, but I'd say 6-9 months is average. Lot of variables - other damage (meniscus tear, etc), procedure used, muscle tone prior to surgery, pain threshold of the individual, dedication to therapy, how soon therapy starts after surgery, .....

Mine (patella tendon graft w/meniscus repair) at age 42+, and therapy starting immediately after the stitches were removed took about 4 months before I recovered 85-90% of the leg strength, about 8 months before it felt 100%, and about a year before I really started trusting it again (of course I'd spent 25 years to that point living without an ACL).


My daughter had ACL surgery on April 4 of this year. ?There was no miniscus tear and only a little bone bruising. ?She went to the doctor today and he said he would not sign a sport physical or recommend anything other than Physical Therapy until 6 months after the surgery at the earliest. ?After that point he would have a hard time recommending anything in the gym, wood floors, for a couple monthes after that. ?To much risk of a twisting injury. ?He said she would have no problem pitching or catching by that time and it will be, like Bear said, a matter of her learning to trust it again. ?She is experiencing no pain at all. ?She was also riding a bike within a week of surgery at therapy. ?Make sure she takes her therapy seriously and do all the home exercises recommended. She will be a Senior this coming year.

I have been kinda lost this summer without practice and spending all weeekend, every weekend at the ballfields, but "I did Save a Bunch of Money for Her Car Insurance" ;D ;D


i tore mine june 1, 2005 had surgery three days later, started therapy a week after that, and was cleared for all activity in the middle of october. depending on the tear and how dedicated you are to improving every therapy session, my doctor told me the new standard from the less invasive surgery is now three to six months. although i did it i feel like it was kind of stupid to be playing soccer as soon as i was released ( that very day actually) because even though i was released i knew i was not 100%. my advice is do what your doctors ask and listen to your body. i hope all goes well and keep up your spirits!