ASA Northern Nationals in St. Louis



ASA needs to have their heads examined if they think that bringing in 60 travel teams, complete with families, to an area of St. Louis that is ill-equipped to handle the crowds. The ABC Ballpark where the tournament is being hosted is a run-down neighborhood park. The Opening Ceremonies started late, were a disorganized mess, the only thing that was there for the girls to do was Karaoke and that wasn't enough.
Due to a great deal of rain, games for pool play were moved to another local park, Ferguson Park. This park at least had fields that could drain in the rain, lots of grass, and we could bring in our own water and Gatorade. It's in the high 90's and high humidity. ABC Ballpark is a joke.

We have all traveled long distances, are paying $100/night for hotels, we are eating out, and the tournament has been a total disaster.

Rumor has it the 16U will be held here next year which means those of us moving up from 14U will be here again. We are in an unsavory area of town and there is not one sign welcoming softball players anywhere.

Who chose this hell on earth location for a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP? Last year, NSA was held in Merrillville, there was a night sponsored by a business with free food, fireworks, lots of entertainment for the girls--it was fun. This has been a nightmare from the first moment. The weather has been rainy but the tournament directors should have planned on being at a park that had an actual grounds crew that could handle this.
Parents pay a TON of money for travel ball and when your team earns the right to play in a National Championship; one expects high class facilities.
This has been an extreme disappointment. We expected better of the ASA.


Wow! First NSA , then USSSA, now ASA....where the heck will everyone play next year?


Just like any where else businesses are only as good as the people running them. I agree with holding the sanctioning bodies responsible but maybe it is time to take names. I know if the ASA guys from Dayton, Ohio got the National tournament it would be first class.

What I have seen this year is some TDs and Sanction representatives that need to be fired. Incompotence has been at a peak all year and they will need to make changes or open the door for the lesser known sanctions to take their business. Capitalism at it's finest. ;)

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