Pitching and Pitchers Discussion Getting started



I know this isn't a new topic, but my daughter, 10, just discovered fastpitch this spring, and she seems to be taking to it like a duck to water. She'd like to learn how to pitch, and I want her to learn the proper mechanics. I've looked at some of the instructional DVDs, but I think she'd respond better to someone who actually knows what he or she is doing. Any ideas on how to locate fastpitch instructors. By the way, we live in Lorain County. Does Dave Leffew still teach?


Don't know if Leffew still teaches but Bill Hillhouse and Doug Gillis are both top notch pitching instructors and great with the girls. Bill's website is www.houseofpitching.com and I am sure someone else could post Doug's site for you also. Bill's out of Erie Pa. but is in Ohio alot. Doug is out of Michigan and also in Ohio alot.


Welcome to the fastpitch community! If you read this forum on a regular basis, you'll find many varied opinions about what is the "right" or "wrong" thing to do. One thing is for sure though. Every kid is different. Different ability, desires and goals.

As a parent, don't get caught up in what YOU want - let your daughter decide what SHE wants. Your role is to be the "guidance counselor". Let her make her own successes - and her own mistakes. This is IMO, the hardest concept to grasp for parents of athletic kids. You have to be very tuned-in to your DD. Sometimes at young ages you have to push her to "do her wrist snaps", or drills, etc. That's not her being lazy, but just being a kid. Now when she's 16 and you find yourself having to plead with her to practice, that's a red flag.

Most things are a common sense approach. If after 3 or 4 lessons she keeps telling you she doesn't like a coach or instructor, listen to her. Just because 20 other people think a particular instructor is great doesn't mean they are the right fit for your daughter!

Have fun and enjoy every moment of your "trip" with your daughter. It goes by much faster than you think!


Dave is still giving lessons from what I've heard and is very busy at it. All the girls I know that go to him really like him ,he does a great job with explaining what they should be doing in a way that they can understand. His email is pitching@apk.net


Dave is among the best IMO of pitching instructors in the state. If you are in Lorain County I would look him up........as IceDad19 says, he works very well with all age girls that go to him. He is hard to get into for lessons, and it is a little pricey, but I have never heard anyone complain. If you want more detailed info about Mr. Leffew feel free to PM me.

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