Good Cold Weather Bat??



I have hopefully examined most of the posts about bats and most of them seem to agree we can't use the composites for spring ball. What is a good non-composite bat to buy for my 13 year old DD for this spring?


I have seen the Rip It Force in action and it has a lot of might consider trying it.


I still have all sizes of new RIP IT FORCE BATS for 150
If interested see the ad in OFC forum BUY and SELL.
Thank you


what is the temp limits on composite bats never played spring ball with one?


The big issue in our area is High School ball. We were outside last night. Read the warranty, most Bats as Coop stated are 60. Rip it is 50. That was our main reason in getting one. The CF3 is a better bat, but not if you are forced to play in cold weather. The worst thing you can do is stick it in the car all day and then pull it out and play a game. Never store it in a car. Keep your bat in the house when you are not using it. Hitter last year had a good post on bat care.


Gotta figure out a composite that gets warm when it gets friction from the air when you swing it like a glow stick chemical reaction. Ok where are the chemists at? :)


It's not only composites that don't like cold weather . The RT doesn't do well in cold weather they dent.


Most are around 60

Coop in my opinion there is no bat warranty to cover anything under 50 degrees F. and we play a lot of games in the Midwest under 50 degrees! Most of our kids use composite and never break their bats and that includes using them in cages. The problem with cage balls is the old white dimpled balls were hard as rocks and that was an issue however most cages have went to a softer ball because it is cheaper. Our girls hit hard ball type balls and not the soft balls anyway in cages and vary the speeds 45, 55, 65 and move up after each pitch and then backwards. You may have seen this at the clinic unless you were back in the corner shooting craps or playing cards!

It if breaks get a Teflon scrubbing pad, liquid soap or soft scrub and clean it before you send it back.

You want a cheap bat to feel like your expensive bat? Take a 4 inch long piece of angle iron with you to Wall Mart with a tape measurer and your current bat. Lay the angle iron on the floor and find the balance point on your current bat and measure where it balances from to the bat head and then find another bat that weighs the same and has the same balance point. Change the grip (tennis grips are cheaper and have more cushion) to what ever she currently uses and it will feel pretty much the same...may not perform exactly like the $300 dollar one however she could hit home runs with a $60 bat from Wall Mart. It only has to go a max of 225 feet in the ISF anyway. As CB said, "It is cool dude when you can put it in the trees or parking lot however it was a home run at 225 feet!"


We use the Teflon and the soft scrug to take the marks off the bat. It keeps it looking new.


You may have seen this at the clinic unless you were back in the corner shooting craps or playing cards!

No Hitter I must have missed that part of the clinic. SB tell you about the Craps and card game. He said he wouldn't tell. Or was it Cubs fan, he was mad about all the money Lady Knights and Boulders Dad took from him at lunch time. Thats the last time I do that at one of your clinics.