Got Bustos? Sports Training Player Evaluation Event



Got Bustos? Sports Training Player Evaluation Event

Got Bustos will be hosting a player evaluation for any players who are interested in playing college ball but are as of yet unsigned.

We are working the final details out and will have all information ready to post by the weekend but wanted to give you a preview of what the Got Bustos? Sports Training Staff will be offering.

Dates are Nov 13-14, 2011. Nov 13 is a dinner with Crystl Bustos, Micaela Minner and Howard Carrier. At dinner we will give all the athletes a chance to meet the panel and have a question and answer session to discuss just what to expect on Sunday Nov 14th.

The instructors will spend the day evaluating players on different skills and each will receive an evaluation from the instructors on their strengths, weaknesses and and abilities. Each player will then have the evaluation to take with them and use as a tool to send prospective colleges with their interest letters.

Keep checking back for complete details.

*The instructors of Got Bustos? Sports Training make no guarantees or promises that this will ensure an admission into any college program and is not intended to be used as such. (not sure how to word this part. Want to be sure they don't think this is a "take this kid in your program" letter. Any ideas are appreciated!


Is there a suggested age for this? I would assume it's for high school juniors and seniors.


Is there a suggested age for this? I would assume it's for high school juniors and seniors.

While this is being put together to help give the high school age girls something to add to their recruiting information we are not limiting this to just junior and senior high school players. Some colleges now look for recruits earlier now and having an evaluation of your skills by someone like Crystl and any of the instructors she will use could prove to be a valuable tool to any player. For future events we may look at limiting to juniors and seniors this year we will open it up to any age.


Who is going to be evaluating the girls?

Our two main people will be Crystl and Howard Carrier. We are then going to bring in evaluators who will be picked by Crystl. Our goal is to have all the information including who will be involved available by the end of the weekend. We will be meeting with Crystl tomorrow to discuss details and hopefully have a complete list ready by then.