


If you act weak parents will eat you alive. I think the best thing you can do is be very firm and set the expectation at tryouts that "players will play where it's best for the team and if you don't buy into the team concept then please leave now." And then reinforce it AGAIN at the 1st team meeting and add that ""this is a team, not an individual sport, and it will be coached as such. Players will be given opportunities based on their skill level and what will best help the team. If they give you grief in the season, just say "if you are not satisfied with your DD's playing time feel free to find a better fit on another team." Don't back down! You'll NEVER please anyone if you try to please everyone.


Bad Parents will drain the life right out of a Team. They will seek out Parents that may have similar gripes and before you know it, clicks are formed. If that is not enough, they will seek affirmation from the good Parents, who now suspect they are passengers on a sinking ship. A good friend of mine likes to say, if you come to the realization that someone has to go.....they have to go NOW. It is simply not worth it. Do I feel sorry for the Child who is being penalized for the behavior of their Parent(s)? Absolutely, but as a Coach you cannot allow a bad Parent to have a negative effect on the entire Team. Believe this, the negativity WILL make it to the dugout.


These kinds of things is why I gave up coaching. I've found that unless you have an elite program whose parents "get it" you're going to have these issues. Several parents put their kid in select/travel ball but still have the rec mentality. I don't know if there is a magic answer. If you find it... let me know :)

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